Showing posts with label Spiritual progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual progress. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2021

Experiencing God as Mother

God as Divine merciful mother

Accept the soul with all it's weaknesses & strength. 

Tells the soul..You are Special, unique one, beautiful one, 

Gives high self respect of being God's child, having birthright over God's inheritance. 

Empowers the soul... You are good.. 

Heals the soul... I am with you, No worries. God gives the soul Unconditional love & acceptance, filling the soul with spiritual powers. 

God as holy Mother, the sustainer. 

Narrates the stories of benefits of being true to yourself,about values, principles, honest honesty , discipline etc in life. 

A very important teaching by our motherly God that The one who takes the path of truth, always remains carefree because he doesn't have to manipulate, calculate or hide the things. The one who is true, always progresses, coz he knows where to put focus on. The one who is true is always trusted & respected by all coz he doesn't pretend  or create any superficial identity of self for impressing others. The one who is true is always in synch with his inner self therefore always dances in joy. 

Godly mother as a transformer. 

For transformation, take small targets, work upon your old habits & slowly move towards achieving those targets. Be loving towards self, Note down how much you fulfilled, what hindrances you faced, How you can do things in a better way,the next time. Not thinking much about future plans immediately. First of all live this moment, enjoy this moment, celebrate this small victory, Dance with yourself, give yourself a hug, pat your back & reward yourself with something good, something empowering. 

Godly mother as soul's first guru.

 1.Care(respect,love,compassion, connection without labels, pure vision for all, A feeling of brotherhood, leaving behind business attitude of give & take only. Be more kind, loving, considerate for all around) 

2.Share what you have(Your Treasures like skills, innate strengths & talents,Should have a feeling of being a Bestower, the one who gives make a living by what you get but you make a life by what you give..Spiritual Law) .. So God says Be with all & give something to everyone. 


3.Help choose path (Based on your qualities, strengths & inner call) 

4.Remain focussed . Work hard. Improve. Rise again & again even after repeated failures. Not at all comparing with others. Be on your journey, concentrate on your aim/object in life. Comparison.. Defocus oneself from our chosen aim..Also it's a Theif of Happiness. 

5.Importance of Balancing. . . All aspects of soul.. Physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual needs to be worked upon for complete well being of the soul. 

Balance brings blessings... Which brings bliss. 

6.Being simple inside.. Simple with thinking, words, actions... Simplicity is beauty.. Simplicity is Royalty. Be in the family unit, practice sharing & caring in family to enjoy being more emotionally stable & protected. Increase in our power to adjust, Tolerate, being patient, loving & selfless with all. 

7.Reducing dependencies on sense organs for temporary fulfillment in terms of seeing , listening,speaking , always buying stuffs/things/gadgets etc, running before positions/achievements, fun activities that are addictive in nature. And simply come back to basics, take only that much from outside world that you remain in synch with your inner self.. The qualities, virtues & powers

I hope we all  must have got enough mental picture of what is god'role & position in our lives as a mother,how he accepts, heals, empowers, transforms, inspires  the soul to be its best, How to feel happy, contented & powerful in the process of transformation.How to Reduce dependencies & connecting with our inner self, true self, original self  & seeing others too in the same light. How to Remain seated on seated on high self respect of being Master bestower & become a radiator of peace, love, respect, compassion, kindness for all around.. Filling the soul with all virtues & powers from supreme powerhouse & sharing the same with all around. 

Please do share in your views & experiences after reading this & experimenting this in the comment box below

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Purpose of life

The purpose of living is
To fulfill our dreams.
To express our uniqueness
To experience Living values.
To grow and evolve.
and the most importantly coming close to God.
There have been times in the soul journey when it experienced abundance and fulfillment  both internally and externally.That was our golden time.when soul had all its treasure stores full.
Relationships perfect...unconditional,selfless, loving, it's foundation being grounded on trust and whole essence of relationships was to give happiness ,thus freedom was experienced naturally and there was no bondage.
(no insecurity,no lack of trust ,no possesiveness, no selflishness or any kind of business transactions)
A freedom is something that every soul longs for,any kind of physical or mental prison subdues a soul's capability to express itself whether on relationship front or on work front.The unlimited potential that the soul carries within itself comes out best when it is set free.It is important to understand that It is Love in any relation that frees the soul and makes it capable.
A capable soul is able to think and do things creatively which only is the secret for fulfillment and experiencing richness.Thinking different,Thinking New,Thinking Big.Thinking innovative.Thinking out of box is then possible.
We,the souls are here to express and experience life in its full spectrum.
Its the journey of  life ,where we,the living stars experience every feeling,where we taste sweetness of life.
Life is indeed beautiful if we have that third eye to look at it in a very non judgemental & non critical way.
Just look at relationships
Every relation has a different kind of attainment, uniqueness, Beauty,Royalty & regulation too.
They all are mutually exclusive and no one relation can replace the other ones.Each one has its own beauty and sweetness.In order for the soul to feel complete and grow ,it needs the sweetness and love of all relations.We,the human beings are actually the beings of love and wisdom & knowledge is something which we all carry without exception.Some have knowledge of house keeping,some may have knowledge of shopping and making good wise decisions on budgeting things,others may have good sense on comparing things,finding plus/ minus of things and choosing the best deal,some may be good at making friends.. Each quality is of best use when accompanied with divinity which comes through spiritual knowledge & connection with ocean of love & purity, our Beloved Almighty supreme father. This actually is the only purpose of our lives, to live higher, to live in peace & love(purity) with self & others. 

Love & Light,
A living ⭐star.

Friday, June 12, 2020

coming out of karmic bondage

  coming  out  of karmic bondage

The karma you are experiencing now is Prarabdha Karma. It is like an arrow that has been shot from the bow – no force can stop it from hitting its target. This karma has started bearing fruit. You have to experience this or “taste” the fruits of your past actions. If the karma is positive, it is called good karma and the fruit will be sweet and tasty. If the karma is negative, it is called bad karma and the fruit will be bitter or even toxic. With the exception of Divine Grace altering our paths, we cannot avoid the experience of our own karma. However, there are ways in which we can handle it better.

1- Accept responsibility.

The first step towards healing yourself from bad karma is to take full and absolute responsibility for where you are in life. Yes, life may seem unfair at times, it may appear that forces beyond your control are dictating your life and that you are helpless in face of everything around you. Yet, despite this, you and only you are responsible for your life and your karma; not anyone or anything outside of you is responsible for it. Even if you do not understand the ways of the Universe, place your trust that it is doing the right thing. Acceptance alone sets into motion the healing process and puts you in a better position to deal with your karma. As you progress on the spiritual path towards Self-realization, you will recognize your ability to influence your own life events.

2- Know that you do not need to resign to your karma.

Everything in your life is in accordance with the law of karma. Every action of the past has already created a result in the form of karma, and it is unfolding in your life right now. But even though the consequences have already been pre-determined in accordance with the causes, it does not mean that your life is pre-determined. Self-effort in dealing with karma plays a critical role in shaping your life. You can deal with the karmic cards you are dealt with more gracefully and even turn your apparent bad karma to your advantage.

3- Stop accumulating new (negative) karma.

If you find yourself in a deep hole which you want to get out of, you need to stop digging the hole deeper. As long as you are existing in the day-to-day realities of modern life, you cannot avoid performing actions. And your actions will have karmic consequences. Then, how is it possible for you to not accrue any further karma, good or bad? The only way you can do it is by detaching yourself from the desire for the action, from the action, and from the outcome or results of the action. Offer the deed that you do to the Supreme Lord, to the Universe, to your higher Self. Do what you need to, but don’t identify yourself as the doer, and with the doership. By consistently detaching yourself from your actions and their outcomes, you are setting yourself free from any further karma.

4- Strike at the root cause of bad karma.

If you can take full responsibility for your karma, you will also realize that you are the creator of your own karma. The bad karma you may be experiencing has its roots deep inside of you, in your past conduct. These are the obstacles or enemies residing within you, that are creating negative karmas. If you can acknowledge this, you are already on your way to deal with negative karma. By willful intentions and actions, you can destroy your inner enemies.

5- Eliminate situations and relationships that sustain negative cycles.

As you go about your life, you may find yourself in situations or relationships that are negative and cyclical. These cycles must be broken or they will continue to contribute to your life negatively. You may have hesitated to walk away from such situations or relationships because either you did not recognize them as such or you feel obligated to not walk away. Unemotionally and peacefully evaluate what is working for you and what is not, and after attempting to resolve the situation, you may need to walk away from what is not serving you. You need not have a conflict in your heart about this. Only when you are able to serve your Self can you help others, so take care of your Self.

6- Seek forgiveness and forgive others.

Do you carry ill-will or anger towards anyone? Is that anger because you feel the other person has wronged you? As long as you harbor negative feelings towards anyone or anything, you continue to attract negative karma and energies in an endless loop. To break this cycle you must let go of your own anger and hatred, you will find yourself more at peace within yourself.

Sometimes, you may find that you hold anger towards yourself. It is even more important to be kind towards yourself, and forgive yourself, and treat yourself with love.

It is also possible that you may have wronged others knowingly or unknowingly in this lifetime or past ones. In your heart, seek forgiveness from those people and their souls. Sincerely and heartfully ask for forgiveness. By seeking forgiveness and forgiving, you are cutting off the karmic shackles and freeing yourself from the bonds that tie you to the cycle of life and rebirth.

Maintain a positive attitude towards everything and everyone in your life. Do good and be good to yourself and others.

Rising above mistakes

Rising above mistakes

Surrender to God ; Dear Shiva, whatever conditions confront me, I know that they represent the next step in my unfoldment. I will welcome all tests because I know that within me is the intelligence to understand and the power to overcome. 🙏🏻📿🙏🏻 Namaste Beautiful Souls.  . 🕉🌀🕉 Failures can be a learning mechanism, and it can also be a success. We are going to fail, we are going to lose, and we are going to make mistakes. It's not a bad thing, we all do that. But the bad thing is not recognising our mistakes and failures, because if you don't recognise you can't learn from them. Admit it, deal with it, learn from it and ultimately succeed from it. It’s your choice. To be positive and free or to be imprisoned by your own negativity. To live in the past or to be hopeful about the present. Don't let the self doubt overcome you. It chips away at your ego and causes you to doubt your abilities, and your self worth. Don't let this negativity overtake you and ask "Am I good enough? Am I worthy?” This self-doubt never helps, and is really just an additional setback compounded on top of the setback your already facing.
It's unfortunate that sometimes things don’t work out, what’s even worse is being stuck in a victim mentality that prevents us from moving forward. Allow yourself to feel the pain, so you can grow beyond it. There's no reason to be ashamed for not expressing the pain. It's sign of human strength. And it's absolutely ok, everyone goes through this kind of phase. Accept the reality and detach from fantasies. To fight against the past will merely waste your time and energy. To wish that things were different gets you nowhere. Remind yourself that it's temporary. After every sunset there's a sunrise. Just as it appears that the sun is going down on you, realise that this a momentary perspective. Things are not over, they are just bleak. These are the opportunities to evolve your perspective and spirit. There's no dead ends in this universe. It is a universe of eternal growth, expansion and unlimitedness. The situation you experience provided you contrast. You will blossom again. That ability never goes away. Your sense of godliness and power always exists. You didn't come into this life to give up that power, its inherent and part of you. You have all the ability within you. It's about your allowing of it. You don't have to create it, it already exist. Allow the shining of your light that you were born to shine.!! Love, light and Peace

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Ocean of knowledge in our Urn(ज्ञान सागर से ज्ञान स्वरुप तक )

Understanding Whole Knowledge in Summary:-

  • Variety Drama

    Souls have different Roles and occupations(different interests and jobs depending upon that)finishes overestimations and underestimation tendencies.
  • Laws of nature
  1. Teaching limitations and blessings of different times of the day,Good time for learning,remembering and doing things,
  2. Understanding Brain,Heart  & other bodily functions. kidney's role in toxin removal,liver's role bloodflow mechanism's relation to different kinds of feelings we create during the day.Cosmos Relation to our bodies. How planetory movements/stars affect healthy functioning of body based on the feelings we create.We change the feelings/attitude,body becomes healthy,planets/stars comes in our favour.
  • Laws of Govt.

    Same for all,Leave critisicm or blaming attitude.Serve your creation ,Spread vibrations,empower  your creation. 
  • Body

    Timely rest,excercise and nutrious food.
  • Life

    Sufficient Wealth,,facilities,goodwill & success in your Endeavours.

Path of devotion is entirely different,there you sing God's praise,perform
rituals(कर्म काण्ड),perform charity(दान पुण्य ) but don't get the Knowledge:-
  • Knowledge of Karma,which Karmas are positive,negative or neutral(कर्म अकर्म विकर्म का ज्ञान )
  • Knowledge of Power of Mind(inner powers,unlimited potential of mind )
  • Knowledge of Past Births(divine being,deity as first birth in the beginning of world cycle)
  • Knowledge of Human Psychology(definitions of right/wrong through different perspectives)
  • Knowledge of Neutralizing Sins(negative karmas)by doing antidote karmas with the same souls with whom there is account and letting go of any past burdens.
  • Knowledge of God(What karmas are dear to God ,what makes us come closer to him Selfless,Heartful karmas,How He Listens to our silent prayers and How he silently helps us in life's situations and help us rise beyond our limitations.

Purpose and investments for life

1)Progress & Happiness--just for self or for all?

2)Seeing Relationships through different angles.
  • Valuable,asset[love,care,support],
  • quality time & energy[What I give,comes back],
  • Feel responsible and empathetic with them[Only you can fulfill their needs,you are irreplaceable in their life,Its your part].
3)Our conducts while we being on journey of life :
  • Where is our focus(qualities or lables or profit/loss),
  • Gratefulness for life and its opportunities to be alive (to play,laugh,love,smile,care,give)  or Competetive/Ambitious attitude(me & mine,racing attitude)

Things to Keep in mind in various scenerios:-
  • Where We need to show right path to others ...Self equipped with the knowledge of right/wrong.Should be in Lawful state at that time and underline good manners at that time,don't come in rage.
  • Where we need to save time.Free yourself from any waste /negativity .Fulfill responsibilities and teach others through your living example.
  • Where we need to avoid entangling..Remember we just have different views and its ok.
  • Someone getting dependent on you or you getting dependent on them ,remember neither we will influence or attract others in our qualities nor get impressed with others for their attainments or qualities.We need to follow our own journey. 
Thanks & Om Shanti,
Love & Light.
In Baba's yaad.