Wednesday, January 1, 2025


When someone visits you without prior information

Do you welcome  an uninvited guest?

Do you feel you have time?

Do you comfort the guest.

Do you have enough resources to fulfill a guest.Do you count things before you use.?

Do you keep aside for yourself first.?

Do you fulfill yourself first.?

Do you feel this is mine,I have earned it so much effort.?

Do you ask or think when will you go back.?

When you have limited,

Do you see,who needs it more?

Is it always me who needs it first or others too get a chance at times.

Do you evaluate What is right .?

Do you evaluate What is important.?

Do you feel sharing is a good option.?

Will it lessen what you already have?

What do you prefer?

Being right or being successful.

In a difficult situation

What do you do?

Fulfill love ,& keep standing OR think for self & run.

Does fear & over thinking sometimes take you away from what's right & needs to be done.

Do you feel delima sometimes of listening to your heart or listening to weak voices of head.

Do you feel I will cover it else where.

Does that make you free/easy inside.

Do you keep a record of what's need to be done  but couldn't be done.

Do you feel it's important to talk & satisfy others with clarification & freeing yourself in the process.

Do you feel there is a way to talk that keeps intact your self respect as well as your goodwill as a persona of responsible & dependable person.

Is it important to maintain your credibility in the field of work.

Do you feel both fronts . Spiritual & your job can equally flourish with right attitude & Balanced approach.

Do you feel maintaining your integrity helps you in long run with getting much required cooperation at right time.

Do you believe in maintaining cordial relationships at work.

Self Reflection 

Do you welcome a teaching

Do you see it as a gift

Do you learn silently from others

Do you feel it's important to thank them

Do you give them a return whenever you get a chance.

Do you care to understand yourself & ask them their needs if not able to understand.

Do you create ways to honor them for their invaluable contribution.

Do you keep them above everything whenever they need you.


Thursday, January 25, 2024

If You love ,Give them time

We love each other।

We have expectations from each other 

You should be like this ,they too accept that this should change।

We try to control each other for their good( to avoid big problems in future)

We can't see our loved ones dependent or insulted for any reason ।

We like them to be healthy and energetic। 

We like them to be respected।

This  good expectation,this much needed controlling still creates distress for the other soul

They don't like to be guided things or told about things।।

So,is it better to be separated coz we are suffocating each other's independence, free will and the learning  through their experience in their own time.

Or give them time to develop that trust and respect in you so that they are able to accept things they are reluctant to now।

Give them time to have courage to accept their weaknesses and not make it as their identity। 

Give them time to fill themselves up।

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Invaluable like Diamonds.

 Invaluable like Diamonds.

The one who is Materialistic always thinks for sensory pleasures and accumulating money and Gross materials for self fulfillment.This becomes their purpose of life in contrast to a Spiritualist who remains beyond Worldly acquisitions.

They live in a higher state of being.

Their seeing,walking,talking, thinking is different from ordinary human beings.

Brahmins lives a Diamond like life which is invaluable.

Ordinary human beings and Animals too wakeup,move around, live,give birth,hunt,enjoy their lives.They are instinct based,their intellect works on the principle of fight and flight.

They are not creative and don't use their intellect and find solutions to issues at hand unlike human beings who can always think,analyse,foresee the situations and create solutions for it . 

To have problem solved yet maintain value system.To create right responses in various situations in life is the attribute of a Human being.

Human beings know the law of cause and effect because they are self aware and know  their inner world,therefore easily mould themselves or become detached from anything that is going to harm them or others or create loss in their value system and efficiency.

So,in that sense life of human beings can be far more advanced and developed in comparison to ordinary human beings or even animals and can make themselves Invaluable like diamonds 

A diamond can be cut  and can be made spotless so the attributes and personality traits of a human being.

It is through Ancient Rajyog taught by Supreme Teacher Incorporeal God father that human beings becomes like Diamonds.We Welcome all of you to experience God and his teachings in your life and become Invaluable like Diamonds.

Om shanti 


Thursday, November 16, 2023

How do you surrender yourself

Someone asked How do you surrender yourself for service when you yourself  have your needs,that you need to fulfill 

Do your Every action as सेवा ।

We are not taking anything but from our experience we know that Baba doesn't keep anyone's contribution unrewarded

He gives returns in incognito ways like you get seat ,food on time,even accommodation when no one else is getting

No one will stop you on entering  gates of madhuban,

You get a new parents/friends/advice/service group/knowledge when you need the most।

You get knowledge immersed  in your intellect when you need to hv good योग with father।

You get one or the other seniors to give sustainence to you,love you,care for you,listen to you।

This and in many misterious ways he gives return of our sewa which no worldly currency can buy।

 Still if we need monetary support as our pocket money and for that we just hv to believe in ourselves and put in our best efforts ,strive for excellence,greed for knowledge and skills then at the right time ,,,विधि से सिद्धि happens and we get monetary benefits too।

But for now,everyone need to understand and revise what their strengths are।what they can do।

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Warrior kings worship to deity kings,Why


आपे ही पूज्य,आपे ही पुजारी!!

Warrior kings Bows down to worship worthy pure non violent kings of Golden & Silver ages

Those non violent kings only became warriors at the beginning of the copper age and started worshipping their non violent pure self ,their deity images !!

आपे ही पूज्य,आपे ही पुजारी!!

To get some peace,to some solace।To restore their balance। 

They Worshipping the qualities in other देती Idols which were once part of their being।

By Worshipping they gain their lost property to some extent and they then find themselves at ease and feel satisfied

Solution for No Wars

Solution for No Wars

For what are we really fighting for?

5 elements 

  • Land
  • Sky
  • Water
  • Air
  • Fire
Some want a piece of land where they can live peacefully and happily

Some want water in abundance as it freshes them,cools them

Some want the sky element where they can fly uninterrupted at a fast speed।

Some want fresh air where they can breath well

Some want fire in their being to feel the power of their existence!

The ultimate requirement of all is one or the other quality of the soul that balances the 5 elements of the body

So,the need is internal and fight became external soon after it started internally ।

Now one very important question 

Can we provide everyone of what  their need is 

Do we have everything in surplous amounts or their is any scarcity  

Scarcity is there in the conciousness or in the reality

Inner scarcity is bringing scarcity outside or is it the outside Scarcity that is bringing Inner scarcity or both। 

So,what should we work on?

outside or inside or both?



What do we need when we have to work on both fronts of life।

Discipline,commitment and consistency!!

Should only if one follows this can make others too follow the principle!!

Yes!!because universe and its creator is one and it's creation is also one!!

A ripple effect in universe flows whenever there is something good done even at one corner of the world!

So,will there be fights anymore when everyone starts doing their best in their areas of life