Showing posts with label Life style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life style. Show all posts

Monday, June 14, 2021

An ideal Elder.

Elder means humble, 

Elder means caring,

Elder means knowledge ful, 

Elder means responsible.

Elder means wise. 

Elder means equality (samdrishti). .

Elder means selfless. 

Elder means fearless.

Elder means acceptance. 

Elder means merciful. 

Elder means lawful. 

Elder means balanced.


Improving character of a loved one by giving small little punishments eg not talking for somewhile.

Not giving them their things easily & let them understand the value & hard work that is put/invested behind anything. 

Earn before you spend. 

Giving a task in their planned schedule (small responsibility to create a sanskaar of obedience, sacrifice & trust in Baba, family, drama & good deeds) 

My own motives, enjoyment, desires, ideas, respect, security all on one side 

Elder....Got this position, to serve .

Seeing weaknesses & unfulfillment & making effort to fulfill them. 

Palanhaar, maat pita. 

Equality & acceptance in seeing two souls with different qualities & capabilities. Acknowledge the qualities of introvert ness, kindness, love, accuracy, honesty in one child if he is lacking other outgoing qualities of singing/dancing/playing/speaking.Not comparing & degrading one in front of other. (Marks, outer talents) 

Selfless & unconditional

Not counting on time & attainments that she is going to get in return. 

Giving unconditionally & wholeheartedly

 to all & forever (sabhi ko aur sada) 

A Mother doesn't see her comfort before his child.. Remains awake even at night to care for child if he is sick. Uplift a child, educates a child if he is not very good at his even the normal daily routine tasks. 

Boosts his confidence & self respect if he compares with his fellow friends & relatives. & motivates him to do enough hard work in life to excel in life. 

Enjoying & celebrating with him every little success. A feeling of euphoria , on top of the world. Dancing in joy. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Are we United in our aims.

Are we United in our aims. 

We, are all unique beautiful & special souls.Everyone Gifted  & blessed. Variety flowers πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸŒΉπŸŒ·πŸŒΌπŸ’of godly bouquet. Each one has their unique fragnance & is the decoration of this godly ruhani garden. Different shape, sizes, colors, fragnance beautifully completes the bouquet of flowers, worthy of offering to God. One flower seeing the neighbouring flower blossoming doesn't get jealous, it blossoms even more.That's how our divine family ( ishwariye sangthan )is. We feel good seeing each other go ahead because we know it's ultimately the God's task which is being accomplished & our success is in totality & not the individual one. Our combined success is necessary for bringing success in godly task of world transformation. Ways will be of course different  but still every bit of contribution is important. We all have our plans, analysis, ideas, ways & visions based upon our intellects & journeys. But God, the Almighty who is highest & holiest one has its own plan. None of ours plan is complete & exclusive. It is him who will join the blocks of each one's bits & pieces & create one beautiful building of heaven. This is the beauty of his plan & construction that he makes us realise that no one is complete without the other. & together if we stand we beautify the world & complete the world. Like it is said science is blind without spirituality & spirituality is lame without science. Now here comes our real tests of life.. Are we ready to leave our intellect's pride " I know all " Factor. or " This is the only way" Factor. "This is my research & experimential study of whole life".. " This is my hard work & learning & proven study of many years".Are we ready to leave all for a higher goal, higher cause & let his ways & means take it's own course. Forgetting I & mine , complete renunciation. Loosing self & making him win. Only baba baba. No I, I.. Or mine mine. God's plan to take the best from all souls & create one Master piece called Paradise. He wants to glorify everyone & everyone's talents. He is the wisest of all & the biggest businessman & knows how to take best from each, make everyone content & set his flag high with the cooperation of  everyone's finger. So, ask yourself  now, are we ready to leave our limitedness & give space to his divine intervention & beautify world as a whole.

Tips & tricks (godly formulas for our achieving  success  in our task):Faith  in self,faith in accuracy and timing of drama,The art of being Balak & Malik,The art of moulding self(to become real gold),The art of doing divya and alaukik karma.The art of keeping balance on daily basis on spiritual study(learning) & service(karma).The art of making everyone content & uniting for a higher cause.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Power of sagthan(unity)


Power of sagthan(unity) 

Are we all like. Minded. Ekmat. What makes or breaks a sangthan... It's the respect, love & acceptance for one & all that makes the sangthan strong. The openness, the flexibility, the non judgemental attitude, the welcoming nature makes everyone come closer. A listening ear, a comforting heart, an unadulterated love, a supporting hand, an uplifting intension helps everyone build trust/confidence in each other & easily express their uniqueness & speciality in a very constructive way. There is no question of whether my idea is good enough or of any value or has significance or whether will be accepted. You come up with a view, a vision, a concept, a newness that itself is an achievement. Acceptance, refinement, amendment that is  a later stage. So, O, Master knowledgeful souls, knower of 3 aspects of time, travellor of 3 worlds in seconds time.. Pure souls of every cycle. Swadarshan chakradhari souls know your worth & create miracles with your magic wand & make ordinary human beings the deities through your spell of divine knowledge & divine powers & let the father reveal you in his mysterious ways. You show the father & father shows you. You glorify his name through your deeds & he glorifies your name. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Knowing Who's who... An easy way to Rise above mistakes & become Complete.

Brahmin life.. Devi fasilat, adab, regard for those above you. A Learning experience to become a deity.This only the
Purification process.(yagya ki prakriya hi shudhdhi karan ka marg hai, it's a sahej yoga, pravriti marg).Always Giving answers not important,avoid buddhi ka ahankaar.No saamna Its the path of love(mohabatt),winning are under cctv 24*7.Jhukna,sunna, right gestures, right words(gyanyukt, yogyukt) , right intentions, right attitude, reality, royalty very important to increase divinity(divyata),ruhaniyat within.,as it finishes "rob "and makes you sweet. Opens blockages, cures ailments, harmonious relationships, purpose of living achieved.
Tyag tapasya, sewa...madhurta.. Guno ka tap.Becoming madhur bhashi, becoming a real deity calls for not even a slightest rejection to any situation. Winning over the situation calls for good feelings and good wishes, a very deep understanding of karmic accounts and a clear mirror to see self.
Someone Uplifting you.. Giving you equal status, chance. Up to you now how you cash the opportunity.. Win hearts or give people reason to put you in scrap section. Become samaan sathi, samaanta se Milan mannane wale ya door se darshan karne wale. Someone giving you privilege to be of their kul. Samaan sathi.Valuing that status takes you to heights.

A very deep secret worth knowing :-

Those who are yagya sewadharis.. Vishwasewadharis..Gets few lifetime godly rights, authority based on their strong base life's dharna. They may be walking, talking, doing things ordinarily but status difference is always there.They have got some special sidhdhis, some special vardaans that's why No one has the power to challenge or can afford to copy them. What is given to them as  a right may not be a right for others .Coz it is him (Baba)who knows the journey, services, purity level and accordingly decides everyone's parts/status.of present time. Copying or comparing with someone may put one in extreme difficulties. So, It is the task of one's wisdom and broad intellect to judge  who is higher than us and come in connection accordingly and free self from making blunders. (Mistakes made in ignorance of who the other person is ,to whom you are talking.).your act goes to positive negative or neutral account based on your intention plus based on the other person's role & situation.So, along with knowing your role & power, it is equally important to know the other person's role, power & occupation. Then it's Very easy way to become free from waste account and avail an opportunity to easy learning on making self complete.
It really is a wise decision to leave your little egos  in terms of your choices,preferences & comforts and engage self in unlimited services. To decide whether it is self respect or ego is a task of a very pure intellect. A helpful filter/check for same.. Check if any of your decision is just for saving & benefiting self or is it bringing some benefit to others at large. Say someone offering you some help, you don't accept it saying I prefer doing things on my own can be called as being adamant when there is no good reason behind not accepting the help. You could save your time and put it in service and bring benefit to many through your skills, knowledge, stage etc and further increase your self respect and become valuable. So, at every step of life ,when we challenge and leave our egoes we start becoming full of self respect and a valuable jewel. Lieing to self and saving the ego and making your self comfortable in small little cookons is the job of the one who is lazy,coward and prefer to stay blind to the truth. Still, Sangamyug is an age of self realisation and transformation if one really has courage to do so, father is always there to help and take us across.

Love, Light & good wishes for all
Shakti avtaar😎

Friday, June 12, 2020

chose company wisely

Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution. You should always limit your time with people that continually drain your energy and add no value to your life. Negative people are usually very committed, to being negative, and the more you push them to be anything else, the more they will push back. This doesn’t mean you show no compassion towards others. Live with compassion. Live with empathy. Do all that as a standard practice of being a decent human being, but keep your life free from the drama and negativity that is not who you are.
If your attempts to lift someone out of negativity are unsuccessful, you have to move on. They will get to a better place when they’re ready to get to a better place and no one will get there if they’re not ready, whether they are pushed or not.
The people in your life should be reducing your stress, not causing more of it. If you consider yourself to be a positive person and want to live your best life, surround yourself with positive people. Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about being yourself. Surround yourself with people that see the good in the world. By doing so, you will see more good too. You will attract more good. Don’t let them drain your energy. Energy doesn’t discriminate. Just like weight lifting, If you focus on getting one body part stronger, and you put all your energy, focus and effort on that muscle group, working on it every day, that muscle will get stronger. If you put all your energy into negative people, your life will be negative.
If your attention is on what's wrong with your life, If your attention and energy is on the negative people and the negativity they bring, that will invade your life. Keep your focus on what is good and you will see more good. More good will grow just like a muscle. The same is true on the opposite side. If you lie down with negativity, you will be consumed with negativity. You are what you eat and you are who you spend your time with by choice. What you consume will consume you. Your friends and peer group are a great reflection of you because you chose them. Choose wisely.
Don’t chase people. Be Yourself. Do your own thing and work hard. The right people, the ones who really belong in your life will come to you and stay. πŸŒ·πŸŒˆ

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Pay attention to vriti(attitude) now

At this time,it is the question of subtle karma...the attitudnal karma.vriti,the sublest of all.Firstly it is the vriti....then only goes the drishti then only the thought(sankalp)comes and we come into action.How a vriti is formed,it is basically through the information we take in through our senses and the company we keep.No body may be watching us but still the recording is on.Remember,we are souls not body.

Thats the reason every thought,attitude and word of sangamyug is precious worth diamonds which itself becomes the basis for our kingshgip (rajya pad )and worship worthy status (poojya).My ascending stage(chadti kala) becomes the stage of the world(tere bhane sarv ka bhala) .My every change brings a ripple effect in the world.I do an Elevated karma here,and many in the world get the thought of  doing the same.I remain in supersensous joy here,and I create the waves of same joy in many lives.I call upon subtly the souls give them touchings.(scientists,devotees...The one you are looking for is here).I am the light of world,when I light,the darkness of the world finishes.I am connected to the whole universe,sychronicity being its feature,I manifest my life on my own terms.

In Godly rememberance.