Thursday, July 22, 2021

Is Leaving our attachments easy


Leaving attachment easy? Leaving bondage easy? Forgetting conflicts easy? 

God says forget ,let it go from holding here in mind. Come out of your mental prison, I give you new place,new people, new job, new world to live in & rule. New has fun, old has no fun. I want to transfer you to everything new then why are you still in love with the old.Why you are holding  yourself back, why you are not setting your wings free. Why are you allowing situations to bind You in its clutches. Remember,it is you only who has the power to set yourself free from your mental prison. No one else can do it for you. Situations & people can neither bind you nor release you,It's you only who has the power to come out of it. You are unlimited children of unlimited father & standing on an unlimited stage of world. You are Master of your destiny (you can attract whatever you want in your life). You are Masters of nature. Just make yourself worthy of what you desire in life & accumulate power of yoga . Simply Enjoy being the Master of your inner world.