Saturday, January 20, 2024

Invaluable like Diamonds.

 Invaluable like Diamonds.

The one who is Materialistic always thinks for sensory pleasures and accumulating money and Gross materials for self fulfillment.This becomes their purpose of life in contrast to a Spiritualist who remains beyond Worldly acquisitions.

They live in a higher state of being.

Their seeing,walking,talking, thinking is different from ordinary human beings.

Brahmins lives a Diamond like life which is invaluable.

Ordinary human beings and Animals too wakeup,move around, live,give birth,hunt,enjoy their lives.They are instinct based,their intellect works on the principle of fight and flight.

They are not creative and don't use their intellect and find solutions to issues at hand unlike human beings who can always think,analyse,foresee the situations and create solutions for it . 

To have problem solved yet maintain value system.To create right responses in various situations in life is the attribute of a Human being.

Human beings know the law of cause and effect because they are self aware and know  their inner world,therefore easily mould themselves or become detached from anything that is going to harm them or others or create loss in their value system and efficiency.

So,in that sense life of human beings can be far more advanced and developed in comparison to ordinary human beings or even animals and can make themselves Invaluable like diamonds 

A diamond can be cut  and can be made spotless so the attributes and personality traits of a human being.

It is through Ancient Rajyog taught by Supreme Teacher Incorporeal God father that human beings becomes like Diamonds.We Welcome all of you to experience God and his teachings in your life and become Invaluable like Diamonds.

Om shanti 


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