Everyone is important.
Big tasks can be made possible by the power of unity.
Don't say this one is without any use or not worthy.
Everyone put into use for carrying out God's Big tasks makes work fun .
Everyone is important.
Big tasks can be made possible by the power of unity.
Don't say this one is without any use or not worthy.
Everyone put into use for carrying out God's Big tasks makes work fun .
Spiritiual Endeavor ( Efforts )out of love,fortune or renunciation.
Power lies in Attitude & your changed outlook.
God's ways of taking care & satisfying each soul is unique.A feeling of abundance & the Mastery of the self gained through studying spiritual knowledge daily.
Fasting from old body consciousness habits.
And an Awakening from deep sleep of body conciousness.
And donating vices on shiva on his divine reincarnation is like celebrating a new way of divine living.
Check ourselves into divine mirror.Do my actions makes others remember God, his sweet home & the land of liberation in life.(Heaven ).
Power of memories .
Recreating the past effects(vibrations)(through deep study & highest clan's effects)
Power of Divine vision.
Power of Divine Intellect.
(Through soul conciousness practice & through spinning the discuss of self realisation).
Way to become successful is detachment.
Being in an unlimited stage frees you of any bondage of karma.
Feel you are on an unlimited stage of the world.
spreading vibrations of peace all around globe and doing an unlimited world service benifiting the world.
You are creating the drama for the first time.
Shooting is going on,so,play your best shot because you will have to see the same recording again & again every cycle.
Cycle of your 84 births repeats here itself in your consciousness (awareness).It is a fortune to have taken full 84 births because it shows how powerful you are to have been playing the part and yet detached from everyone.
The part you play now will be recorded in you & you will be conditioned to play the same part once again in next cycle so,choose your part well.
Before becoming a diety you have to become brahmins.You have to cross confluence age before going across.
You don't have to become merged into the element or the father.
Become merged in loveful Rememberance of one.
In Bharat ,A MahaYagya(Sacrificial fire) is created, where everyone puts on their 5 vices & weaknesses.(as Ahuti)
And burns the seed of all vices,the Body consciousness into the fire of yoga(yog Agni).
Mahaprasad is gained from yagya in the form of liberation & liberation in life.
Birthday(Reincarnation) of Highest on high Almighty authority Incorporeal Shivbaba is celebrated in the country of Bharat.
A Knowledgeful soul knows how to take care of its mind,body & wealth.
It knows how to save energy of mind,body & wealth & economise living & lead a healthy quality life.
Old is emerging & getting out(Body concious habits,)
Remain saakshi with self.(I am a much more powerful. than that). Don't judge self.let go.
God sees me with a higher vision.I am that.
I am those titles that god is giving me.I identify myself with those.
I am a powerful.
I am a courageous.
I am a winner.
Be in swamaan(power)..& you get all attainments.
With swamaan , the body concious finishes.
योग द्वारा हम दूर बैठे भी कई बातों को समय से पूर्व भांप कर उनका निदान कर सकते है।
योग द्वारा हम खान-पान,मौसम आदि के अनेक प्रभावों से मुक्त रह सकते है।
योग द्वारा अनेक प्रकार के मनमुटाव, संस्कारों के टकराव से मुक्त रह सकते है।
योग द्वारा हम वातावरण को शांत,प्रेम से भरपूर और खुशनमः बना सकते है।
Don't fight with darkness.This thought ,then that thought.
Switch on light...Pure,positive thoughts(samarth sankalp) & fly.
You need to practice.This one is a brother soul.I am talking to a brother soul.This way your senses won't create mischief.All your senses will remain in control.
Lakshmi is one who has all good signs (lakshan.)
Who has all the powers.
Power of Tolerance,adjustment,
Power to withdraw ,
judgement,decision making power.
Power to packup,
Power to face.
Who has all virtues.
Patience,maturity,honesty,cheerfulness. Etc
Lakshmi is one who follows the highest code of conduct.
Who takes care of its family as well as take part in the earning the lively hood or running the businesses of the family.
Her vision & action is so accurate that there is never a slightest mistake in understanding the size of issue at hand & it's much required solution.
Lakshmi is one who has converted all its deep habits & instincts into divinity.
Lakshmi is one who is righteous & obedient to godly directions & dictates.
Lakshmi is one who is a magnet for good fortune & brings luck to everyone where ever she steps in.
Lakshmi brings prosperity to where she goes.
Therefore a lot of cleanliness maintained before she is called.
You can control Ego & desires with the help of Rajyoga life style and practicing soul conscious stage in meditation with supreme soul.
A yogi remains beyond the world always seated on the lotus throne.(kamal asan)
Highest seat of the soul is the seat of its forehead.(bhrukuti takht)
Soul is not supreme soul.
Both have the same form but differ largely in terms of their qualities & occupation.
Supreme soul is highest & is the resident of supreme abode.
He is unlimited and doesn't come into cycle of birth & rebirth unlike souls,who take one body ,plays it's part ,sheds the body ,takes another one.
Role of education:-
Ancient Education System
Through Play,dance,drama,family education system,
British system,
Devi sanskriti.
Honor,welcome & oblige others.
Tera so tera
Mera bhi tera.
Women with Special powers...Role Models for New world.
Soft power, unconditional love,sacrifice,
Teaching, accommodating.accepting.
Selfless,contented easily.
Therefore (Liberation in life)Sadgati through them
Don't talk of past & realive the memories of
Loss & distress ,
Even if the loss was big,
Do not blame,
Or take revenge.
There were conditions of emptiness, & unfulfillment,that make souls do such actions.
Lack of faith in good karmas,
Lack of faith in law of sharing & increasing treasures.
Lack of faith in law of victory of goodness over anything bad.
Lack of faith in power of soul & elevated self-respects.(highest position & aim)
Lack of faith in its own capabilities.
Lack of faith in law of hardwork.
Lack of faith in power of system & law.
Lack of faith in doing service & elevating others.
Lack of faith in law of learning & transforming habits.
Lack of faith in accepting a mistake & becoming free from it.
Lack of faith in again earning the respect if lost.
Law of karma is powerful .
Realization is the punishment & the liberation.
Apologize where ever necessary with a right dialogue & release your blocked energy in other one's aura.
A Dialogue is better than Avoiding conversation and making things worse in terms of saving your self esteem.
Freedom & performing right deeds in future is more important than saving your ego , (which we misunderstand as self respect.)
Your mind is your temple,don't keep things unsorted here.Don't hold on any regrets grudges,resentments, complaints & guilts .
Apologize or explain/clarify & come in terms with all.
Remain in ease ,& let others too be at ease.
Don't always see life as a game for winning & loosing.
If you loose out of love with a higher intension to make any one develop self confidence ,this defeat is worth million victories of your whole lives.
With power along with responsibility for the tasks and duties,there comes duty of becoming a humble persona.
Humble in thoughts,words and actions.
It is important to check if everyone is satisfied with me.
Is everyone in terms with me and the services I am doing.
Make everyone aware of the service news
And join everyone in their best possible way.
Let the tasks get cooperation of finger of everyone's thoughts(blessings).
Take everyone along answering small little quieres.
Create a streak of curiosity,and interest in everyone
Make task the fun.And let the feeling of togetherness brings everyone close & united.
And see how Easily the small complaints, oppositions, discrepancies are removed with the power of balancing logical head with our emotional being.
Take help the right way.Give the other person the much deserved respect.
Don't boast of the options .We don't need you anymore.We have many options.If others are just an option for you,that clearly shows you never had any love for them.
Even if you have many options,Remain loving and faithful anyway.Show a high character and faithful intellect.
Don't look down upon anyone when you become something.
Becoming something means Becoming Merciful and developing a virtue of responsibility to take upon some duty and take care of others bringing them benefit.
Understand the needs of current times
Don't compare to olden times,this used to happen.
Times have changed.
World is changing
This is a Competetive world.
Time is money.
Every second has value .
Thoughts are invaluable.They are basis for our lives.
Demands are changing,skills need upgradation .
What was applicapable yesterday may not be valid today.
People are changing,Rules are changing at fast rate.You need to be adaptable.
You need to cope up with uncertainties,
Be calm/stable in chaos.
Take Decisions taking into consideration past,present and future.
Fill in positivity,hope and optimism in everyone.Take everyone along.
So,expect Accordingly.
Instead become helping hand.
Give cooperation of being contented,free from complaints and unreasonable demands.