Crack the success code
s is one thing which every person belonging to any age group aspires to.
But not all people do achieve the same. Does a successful person have a *KEY*?
Answer is - fixation of *GOALS & DISCIPLINES*.
๐ SKILLS are the need of the hour but at the same time SPIRITUAL SKILLS are very important.
๐ In challenging situations, the most common negative experience is of being *fearful*.
๐ *The success code is PAUSE*
— P is for attaining POWER & PEACE... learn the skills.
— A is for ATTENTION
— U is for Use self control, self awareness and discipline your mind.
— S is for setting a *schedule* with consistency and determination.
*SEE* yourself as an achiever of your GOAL.
— E is to ENERGISE yourself.
Understand the BEING. Spiritual energy in light form (SELF) is you.
Understand the true meaning of success- Soul needs success not the body.
The soul who understands the trick of being stable in all scenes of victory and failure is said to be successful. Such souls go beyond the bondage of temporary scenes and appreciate the wonders of life at large , knowing that each scene is designed for their benefit.
And I have to show highest code of conduct(standards )at all times(challenging times).
Face everything with dignity & give the Balanced response always.
Think you are unique and NEVER COMPARE.
- A water creature fish cannot be compared to a flying bird.
- A sun can not be compared to a moon.Both shine at their own times.