Thursday, January 12, 2023



Happiness begins from the moment you do something for others. Those who consistently help others, are happy, and do not come across any obstacles in their lives. 

The purpose of life is to serve others. However, when doing so, you should not expect something in return; your intention should be to lessen other people’s misery.

 “Service to others should be sincere and done from the heart; only then it is fruitful.” 

Do any trees eat their own fruit? No.

This teaches us that human beings should not only use their mind, body and speech for themselves, but also to serve others. When you do this, nature in turn will reward you.

Your constant inner intent should be towards helping others. If you are unable to do so for any reason, you can also make sure that you do not hurt anyone. This is an indirect way to help those around you.

Life is meant for practicing benevolence

Life is meant for practicing Benevolence

Life is meant for practicing benevolence and serving others. The deepest science behind this is that when one uses his mind, speech and body for serving others, he will have everything. 

What if you were to charge a fee for your services?

 It would create difficulties.They charge a fee in the courthouses. When they charge for their services, the laws of benevolence towards others are not applicable for them.

But a person has to make a living, surely.

Do not think about your daily needs at all. You will not encounter any obstacles in your life if you Help Others in any way. 

People do not understand the science behind this. 

When a person begins to serve others with only half the understanding, he is rewarded with a contrary result and, therefore, he loses faith in serving others. 

If one were to serve others now (in this lifetime), he will reap the rewards of that service within two or three lifetimes. This is the very 'Science'.

liberation superior than the path of service to humanity

How is the path to liberation superior than the path of service to humanity? 

If you ask a person who serves humanity what he is, he would tell you that he is a humanitarian.

So to say, 'I am a humanitarian and I Help Others,' is egoism, but if I ask this man here who he is, he would tell you that, 'For the world I am 'Chandubhai,' (Name of a person) and, in fact, 'I am a pure Soul." To say this, is the absence of ego.

The ego of a humanitarian is for a good cause, but it is ego nevertheless.

If one's ego is for a bad deed, he would be called a devil! 

And if the ego was for a good cause, then he would be called a divine person. 

Ego is ego. 

Ego makes one wander aimlessly, life after life. A person can experience liberation, right here, the moment his ego is gone.

To Know 'Who am I' is the Ultimate Religion

Making life simple and ideal

making his life simple and ideal?

Maintain an obliging nature. , your life will become ideal and harmonious (satvik)
Continue to be obliging and Help Others in any way that you can.
Use your mind, speech, body and Soul (worldly self) for others. Then you experience ever lasting happiness.

Religion begins with an obliging nature.

Do not do anything for yourself. When you do for others, you will not have to do anything for yourself.

1) A person whose intentions are to serve others will be rewarded with worldly happiness;

the Self cannot be attained through serving others. Until one attains the Self, one should maintain an obliging nature.

2)If you spend for the welfare of others, it will help you in your future life.

3)Nature's law is such that if you give the fruits of your own efforts to others, nature will take care of you.

4)What is the nature of the worldly life? God resides in every living being and if you hurt anyone, even in the slightest degree, you violate your moral duty, your religion (dharma,)



Why should we help  or serve people .

You will not incur any loss or experience any obstacles in life if it is spent serving and obliging others. All your wishes will be fulfilled providing you remain free from interference and restlessness

So be obliging. If you are going somewhere, ask people how can I help you, 
Someone may tell you that they don't trust you, so in that case, ask for their forgiveness. 

Those who do trust you, be sure to help them.

I am telling you this because even as a young man I had an obliging nature. At the age of twenty-five my friends used to call me a 'superhuman.'

Who do you call a human?

A human is one that gives and takes equally. He will give happiness to those who make him happy and bestow misery upon those who cause him misery. 

This kind of dealing is a characteristic of a human being.

Those who take away happiness of others go into the animal form in the next life. 

Those who give happiness and take happiness will remain as humans. 

Those who give away their own happiness to others are superhuman and will be born as celestial beings.



Questioner:  I want to help others, but I do not have enough money to help. Please advice.

Enlightened soul: Do any of the fruit trees eat their own fruits? No. These trees teach human beings to give their fruits to others. When you do this, nature in turn will reward you. The Neem tree is very bitter, yet people grow it because of its many benefits; otherwise, they would uproot it. It is beneficial in many ways: it is cooling to the body, it has medicinal value and its extracts have healing properties. In Satyug (past time cycle characterized by unity in thoughts, speech and acts), people strived only to make others happy. They would be constantly thinking of ways to oblige others.

More important than a person's external actions of obliging others are his internal intents (bhaav) to help. This intention should always be present. If you have the money, your intention should be to use it to lessen someone else's misery. If you have such knowledge, use it to explain things to people to alleviate their misery. Help Others with whatever assets you have. If you cannot do this, at least maintain an obliging nature. What is an obliging nature? It is to Help Others.

Your nature would be beautiful if you maintained an obliging nature. Simply giving away money is not considered an obliging nature. Whether you have money to give away or not, your intentions should be to Help Others. You should at least have intentions to help those who come to you. To donate money or not depends on your ability to do so.

The Gateway to Eternal Happiness

 Self Realization – The Gateway to Eternal Happiness

The true Self is an abode of infinite bliss, yet you are looking for happiness in temporary things! Until you realize who you really are, everything proves to be transient and temporary. When you realize the Self(Self Realization), you attain eternal happiness