Path of Devotion.
Cycle of 84 births...Self sovereignity through spiritual study...& not mere by charity..It is your last conciousness that brings you your Kingdom.
they in the world get kingdom in inheritence,you get through study.
Being don't accumulate,you put everything into dont put anything aside for difficult time(ivele ).You become beggar to prince here only.When you have nothing of your own,you don't have to worry lot taking care of it,you don't have to count,you don't fear losing it,you naturally become detached from everything and open to something new that you always needed.In life You don't get what you want,you get what you need.And Who else other than the Father, can know what we need.He being a benevolent father acts in his own mysterious ways to fulfill the soul of all its desires and yet keeping it detached and faithful to one and real complete renouncers.It is his Sreemat and ways and means that has all the power.It is his timing that brings that makes the soul gain attainments and yet remain detached in a natural way.
Its the sahej yoga...not supression yourself in a way that brings your best part into action bringing benefit to atleast few around if not the whole world.With Practise you develop a new habit and find yourself free from old body concious habits that brings you down. coz,its all about transforming old into something elevated.When you suppress raises its head with a higher magnitude be it the desires or expectations.Without transformation you can't rid of the void that its surrender is creating.Fill in...or i would say find a new toy(khilona) to play with.Soul wants to hold on to wants to believe in something that this is mine or i did this.
Believing in somethimg is more of a phschylogical aspect rather than spiritual one.As we grow up in our spiritual level,we get profound realisations of I am nothing...without god ,without people around,without facilities..basically we get to experience our weak side and dark side and that is no wrong if we use it in a right(constructive) way to become egoless and at the same time keep the conciousness of strengths and fortunes that i have alive in me. My biggest strength God itself comes to me with a single invocation.Is my intellect seeing it as just an exaggeration or practically experiences this reality in my daily life.My faith should never come down to below the level of faith with which i started,it should increase every minute ..every second. God is there to grant me success at every step i take,My efforts should never go waste is what he takes care of.He is responsible at this time to grant me boons,what he wants is just that i should not slack and leave efforts,success is guaranteed when i take measured steps and follow the right method along with srimat. In this scenerio i would like to mention the balance that one needs to maintain between family life and work life.Because his ultimate aim for us is to make us deities and a man of value and not just man of success.
That's why the process, that's why the journey and that's why the whole structure is made from where there is no escape,you have to come into connections,dependencies.Then only we will value what we have, and then only we will value our loved ones and then only we will use our qualities for benefitting others and then only we will develop our strengths of being same in both happiness and sorrow(ekras) and then only we will develop the spirit of converting any defeat into victory.We will be betrayed and hurt and then only we will know with whom the soul has all relations.We will exggarate the things,and blames outside situations and then only we will realise we are the creator of our responses, nothing is wrong outside. We need to learn the Laws of creator and creation inorder to fully live a life.We can't skip the process and jump to our aims straightaway.The journey itself has all the lessons, all the fun and all the power.Am i exercising my powers fully or just repeating the elevated slogans moving in circles lost in my own self created web.Drama has given us blessing( vardaan) on account of the will power I have.
But at times when your will power starts to leave your side,start again,motivate self,bring in some newness,do things in a more innovative way,think out of box,keep the third eye open and see infinite no. of possibilities all around ,reignite the spark within and go for it,enter into a new level,altogether a new arena, a new dimension.Challenge your fears and take that one step of courage and then you are there,you will see the whole universe is open for you,welcoming you,helping you reach your highest potential and thus becoming complete and come closer to god,which is the only purpose of a human life,
Evolution and becoming a better version of yourself.World is changing and so do i need to change in my ideas,attitudes, beliefs,aims,visions,goals and my overall existence.I live in infinity and there is no end to my existence.I was there,I am there and will always be there.Immortal I become and live with a sense of openness and fearlessness . With these elevated thoughts and a good wish for all of us to reach our highest potentials really soon and become karmateet flying angel.
Love & Light
In Godly rememberance.
Om shanti