Friday, May 19, 2023

Life is a game

Compare life to a game of football or cricket.or any sport like a hurdle race,

Swimming and reaching your destination in a certain period of time .Needs courage, commitment and a passion towards the goal.

A long jump crossing and jumping a long distance at one go ,a sign of good intuitive power and inner strength.

Golf...making the ball go straight into the hole at a single strike. Open and Good analytical calculative mind.

Archaery, bringing all your concentration towards your aim and targeting the aim with confidence.

Wrestling with opponent to put the other one down shows Fighting and winning spirit.

In every sport there is a challenge to cross,an aim to achieve,a goal to target.

What we need in all of the above is the spirit.

& Of course the constant practice and skills to excel.

Similarly is with Life,you need an aim to achieve,A goal or target.Confidence, dedication, courage, Winning spirit,good analysis, perseverance.

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