Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Astrological prediction/ warning is a boost

An astrological  prediction,any future warning should  not stop us from doing our karma।

It should not affect your mind ,your positive outlook towards life & others।

Infact it should make us more actively involved in our endeavours। The more active we are,the less likely we attract any such warning come true to us।

Detached from I and mine

Natural way of getting  detached from your I and mine।

1)By bringing Divinity in your talents & skills।।।।।।which comes when we surrender them for a cause।

2)When we will it to others for their growth।

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Living itself is a pleasure

Living itself is a pleasure।

I am alive।

I can sense।

I can feel 

I can see wonders of life।

I can experience sense of joy having found my 

Original  identity।(my lost treasures,,,my virtues,

My powers)

I can feel the way I want।।।

There are unlimited possibilities। ।।

I can feel love । 

I can feel happy।

I can feel mercy।

I can be detached & feel peace।

Different Nature,Different understanding ,Different point of views,Different experiences of life ।

I am in synch with all and see them with optimism।

Now I can see the glass half filled।

The greener side of everything। 

Monday, July 31, 2023

Essence of knowledge- part 2



Land of religions

Land of culture & traditions

Land of festivals

India's value system

Land of God/Goddesses

Land of saints & sages

Land of spiritual fragnance

Land of dietes

Land of God's reincarnation.

Rajyoga:householders path

Sanyaas of vices

Lotus like life.

Karmyogi life.

Sermoniser of Gita

When was gita recited

By whom

What is karmayoga

Which battle. Non violent.. Kaurav pandav

Deites & Devils. Battle?

Sorrow in the world from very begining?

1st religion.

Trunk of all religions

Essence of all religions:purity

Seed of all humanity.

Definition of religion.

Inculcation of values... Love, Forgiveness, ,compassion, mercy

What is the time now

Essence of knowledge part-1

1. Parampara sarvvyapi nai. 

Stay where you are।Disciplining senses.Practicing remembrance...realizing.

Teacher relation important.

2.Humare purvaj kon devtayein ya bandar.

Follow father.Respect ancestors. 

3.Karmo ke hisab. 

Understand.settle through yog power .

4.Vartmaan karm (shreshtha karm) ki shakti

Optimism & Newness.

5.Adhyatmic jeevan shaili. 

Yogi jeevan..karm Yogi. Equal importance.

6.Dharam aur karam ka balance. 

Values in the deeds.lambi race ka ghoda.


Soul for study.Balanced approach

7.Nirbandhan karam(jeevan mukt avastha) 

akarta.. behad.Excellence.good planner..good manager.

8.Samadhaan swaroop. 

Solution oriented approach.

Less with outside.more with self.More the  detached  ,more the easy/calm easily solution in front. 

9.Aatmic shakti... , tan, man, dhan, jan sab swasth

Healthy ...longevity. 

10.Paratama se avinashi sambandh.

Understanding God's ways & means.seeing through  his  eyes.

11.Aatma ko apne Anek janamo ka darshan.

Repeation, faith.history/geography repeat actor.

12.Srishti ke mukhya actors or unki visheshtaye. 

Faith,honesty ,aim/purpose, tireless passionate,motivated  self driven.

13.Manav jeevan ki Mahanta.




Never say die












Broad minded

Open minded


Master in glory of god.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Love all ways

Do you have your favorites !!

Do you have your special likings !

Do you have preferences!

Do you have your chosen desired ways!

Well Congratulations !! that you can decide your inner drives।but what if things don't turn your way।

Values would come into picture when things go other's way & Miracle happens।

Surprise comes,gifts emerge।

An element of Surprise makes life worth living so  leave a space for something to happen on it's own & love all ways। 

Move forward

Don't wait for all the answers and resources to get available to you first।keep moving with what you all know and have,everything else will be available to you as you move forward।