Sunday, August 27, 2023

5 Golden rules for measuring success.


5 golden rules for measuring success.

For the one who is successfull:-

  • All aspects of life will be balanced
  • A feeling of contentment and happiness will be experienced at the end of the day।
  • A natural sense of well-being is experienced at all times while sitting and moving around।
  • A state of easiness and lightness while carrying out duties will be a constant experience of all times।
  • An optimism and positivity admist difficult situations will be experienced।

Success Related questionare-Part1


 What to think while going for an exam

I will make it

How to study well & keep it retented till exam.

Study wholeheartedly with a sole aim of learning not just to get marks।

How to finish examination fear.

Face with courage and confidence the examination with full preparation and good Visualization that you have passed the examination already,feel that moment of victory & happiness now in the present moment।

Success Related questionare-Part4

 How much to work for a successful career.

Always work in balance,an hour of planning saves you of many hours of hardwork & labour।A sharp work is more needed and desirable then long hours of hardwork।

What are things that distracts me from achieving my goal.

Listening to opinions of absolutely anyone।

Seeing in all directions ,Keeping too many options open।Having too many desires।

How my daily routines help me achieve my goals

They keep you time bound ।

They keep your energies in balance ।

They help you remain focused in right direction।

They help you always go forward

Success Related questionare-Part3


How to develop an ambition

Work slowly towards what fills you with power and happiness। Let it motivate you to silently and move forward in that direction। Take chances with opportunities you get in that area and develop your skills in that area।Slowly take mastery in it and equip yourself with every minute knowledge in that area।

What different 1 % successful people do.

They keep bringing newness in their approach of doing things.They keep a chart of their progress and constantly adapt to what's latest ,they challenge their limitations and step out of their comfort zones।

How to find my roadmap to success.

Simply take one determined step forward ,your higher self will guide you through all along the way।Sometimes in the form of an unexpected help from someone,sometimes às a great reservoir of energy,

Sometimes as points of wisdom & ideas।sometimes às protection

Success Related questionare -part 2


How to choose the career of your choice.

Check yourself,what are your interests & what motivates you।

Is it praise,name/fame or blessings ।

What is that,that gives you satisfaction। ।।labour and hardwork & instant Results or working silently doing fool proof quality work।

What kind of person you are।।।outgoing/extroverted who likes to talk too much,take advice too much,see around too much

Or you listen to your higher self and make your own path

Do you find your happiness in success where everyone is satisfied & fulfilled or is it only about your individual self's growth and happiness। 

Passionate about a skill or money.

Once learned,A skill remains with you forever,it becomes an investment। It increases your value,it increases your worth।

You can create many similar to yourself ।

Whereas simply having money neither do any of the above nor fulfills our desire of growth।

Excellence is a choice.

When you practice consistently,you develop an exceptional power of perseverance and resilience।And then your mental strength grows and you become excellent in whatever you do।

smile and silence

Sometimes smile and silence is the best answer to the questions that holds no meaning।।

Respond calmly to a situation

It's better to stay quiet when you don't have right words to respond to a situation। 

Take time to put things into right perspective,

Think 3 aspects of time(your own and others role and karmas)and then respond in a calm state of mind।