Saturday, August 19, 2023

Principle of Vibrations

Where there is transperancy and honesty in our activities & relationships, success is guaranteed.

When our aim is selfless and pure, you gain multifold in long term.

When we bring business & profit into relationships, we distant ourself from love, cooperation & blessings from others.

Universe works on the principle of vibrations & not just words. It gives you multiple times of what we create and send for others.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Fitting into the world


When someone says you are too sweet & lovely to fit into this world.

Tell them we are here to make our own new world of peace,love and compassion। 

Our own heaven. Whoever fits into our world is heartily welcomed into our world.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Science of effective communication


When heart speaks,the heart listens।

When the heart commits ,words come into action।

When good actions are accumulated,one becomes fearless ।

Win without fighting

Our fighting is internal,defeating our body concious attitudes & beliefs and let our goodness win over our weak tendencies।

After a deep understanding of our original eternal self which is pure and powerful 

It just takes a one thought to win over and come into action with an altogether a new identity of self। 

Law of no resistance

Let it be,and everything will flow & everything  will be easy।

A river is meant to flow and so is life।

Stagnancy brings dirt and bad odor। 

To learn and flow is the way of life।

Monday, August 14, 2023

Attitude is everything - Part 7

Those who remain free from I and mine remain free from body consciousness and easily become soul conscious.

I am right is OK. Only I am right is ego.

Those who surrender their I and mine towards what is ultimate truth, and what is ultimate right glorify the Father and move forward with ease.

Those who take karawanhar always with them in their hearts never boast of their attainments and achievements and always use them for the benefit of others.

Those who have big hearts never remain behind in appreciating the wonders of God, wonders of life and wonders of the unique part of each soul in this eternal world drama.