Sunday, May 24, 2020

ईश्वरीय प्रेरणाएँ

हम आत्मा है,मूल रूप में सम्पूर्ण पवित्र है। अभी इस पुरुषार्थी ब्राह्मण जीवन में  सहज ज्ञान और राजयोग के द्वारा हम आत्मा की दैहिक वृतियों को खत्म कर रूहानी अभिमानी बन रहे है। 

किसी ने अपने सफेद कागज पर बहुत-बहुत दाग लगाए, बार-बार लगाया मिटाया, तो असर पड़ेगा ?   कोई  एक दम कोरा कागज़ हो, और मिटाया,छुपाया दाग वाला कागज हो फर्क तो होगा ना। इसका सीधा असर विल पावर पर पड़ता है। इसलिए उन भूलों  को फुलस्टॉप लगा कर सच्चे दिल से अपनी त्रुटियों का विकरण अब  बाप को देना है । भले किसी से मदद लेनी पड़े, र अब परिवर्तन करना ही है खुद को।

अभी ठीक है पुण्य जमा है तो सीखने का समय  है। पश्चाताप सजाओ का पीरियड(period)आये, उससे पहले अपनी राजधानी रॉयल फैमिली(family)तैयार हो जाए।इतनी  सत्यता की शक्ति भर जाए, इतना निश्चय हो जाए बाप के आने जाने की गुह्य गति पर कि हम अपने भाग्य के रचयिता बन जाये कि कभी फ़रियाद न करनी पड़े, किसी की पूजा न करनी पड़े। और नीचा कार्य न करना पड़े। समान साथियों का अपना संगठन बन जाये।

अब झुकना न पड़े, किसी की पूजा न करनी पड़े। इसको भी कई उलटे रूप में ले लेते है,अभिमान के रूप में। हम क्यों
झुके किसी के आगे, अरे सेवा करेंगे, तो जिसकी सेवा करेंगे, और जिनके साथ करेंगे बड़े, छोटे और साथी उनके साथ नम्रता से ही चलेंगे ना। यह पारिवारिक स्नेह है, इसे दैवी गुण कहेंगे, यह झुकने से मान बड़ता है। यह सज़ा वाला झुकना नहीं है। इतनी बार झुका, इतनी बार शुभ सोचा, इतनी बार ऊंचा कर्तव्य किया, इतनी बार सहन किया,  इतनी बार धैर्यवान हुआ, इतना एडजस्ट किया। मुझे क्या संपूर्ण सफलता प्राप्त होगी कभी।ये कब तक ठीक होगा। क्या ये जीवन है, मरते ही रहो, मुझे ही करना है। कितनी अटपटी बातें है। उलझन, परेशानी, मुंझ आदि का आहवान करते। बुद्धि काम नहीं करती। दलदल के पास पहुंच जाते, फसते चले जाते। फिर पुकारते, रड़ियां मारते, फिर क्या होता बाप को ही आना पड़ता बचाने।
 हम यात्रा पर है।झण्डे गाड़ते हुए पड़ावों(milestones)को पार करते हुए चलते जाएंगे।फागी  होती है न तो आगे रास्ता दिखाई नहीं देता, तो घबरा जाते है, पर इसमें तो साथी साथ है, घबराने की बात ही नहीं । यात्रा जरा लम्बी है, इसलिए थकना नहीं, डरना नहीं, चलते चलोगे तो मंज़िल पर पहुंच ही जायेंगे, बाहर की बातों से अपना कोई कनेक्शन नहीं हम तो अपनी यात्रा पर है । बातें हमको अनुभवी बनाती हैं। हमारी शक्तियों को बढ़ाती हैं, हमें सिखाती है। कहां  लूज़ छोड़ना है बातों को,कहां सॉल्व करना है । कहां अपना अधिकार है, कहां अपना अधिकार नहीं है। कहां शक्ति दिखानी है, कहां स्वयं को समेट लेना है। यही सारा खेल है, कहां अपनी शक्तियों को इन्वेस्ट (invest) करना है। कहां स्वयं में फोकस हो जाना है। एक लैन्स की तरह अपना फोकस जिस बात पर होगा वह बढ़ेगी। ये  तपना ज़रूरी है। नो शॉर्टकट टू सक्सेज(success)! ये हमारे जीवन के पेपर है, जिनको हमें पास करना है, हंसते हुए शान(dignity) से  उदहारण स्वरूप बनना है।
इन्ही शुभ भावनाओ के साथ अपने परमपिता की याद में सभी को याद,प्यार ।
ॐ शान्ति

Monday, May 18, 2020

Short of Divine Virtues and full of flaws OR Full already.

Children says.."Hum neech papi.. Mujh nirgun haare mein koi gun naahi..." Father says.."Nahi bachche,Adhikari ho..Saare gun hai ..saari kalayein baap ke gun wai bacchon ke gun"

 Leave past experiences, past faults, limited ness and see yourself flying, shining.. , small acts of generousity will set yourself in a high stage. Even in devotion it is said, thoda sa daan punya ishwar arth karo, do ghadi uska naam japo. Only this much is needed now on sangamyuga,believe me! Rest all which is needed is right attitude of living during the whole day Which mostly includes being attentive for your responses and behaviour towards  others,am I being kind & fair towards others. Am I full of good wishes & feelings for others. Remain aware of your part and role.Keep on Forgetting Big titles & positions regularly in between different periods of the day. And
Play your part well. We are now part of a Big world family, we are here to be' just 'to the whole world whoever comes in contact. The way we feel belonging ness  in our small laukik families and make them feel belong to us , give everyone the same right in Your lives and then claim your right too at right time, which is purely based on pure unadulterated love, or do I keep an account or count on my treasures, if I have enough for myself.Remember, The one who accumulates never gets full. It is an attitude of abundance &  an attitude of sharing that brings richness inside the soul, otherwise there is no treasure in the world that can fill the soul. It is the power of blessings from God that fills the soul. Otherwise we always need more and more, and the more there are needs, more there is discontentment and an urge to search even more, and we console ourselves saying that one day there will be enough.In fact the secret to fulfillment is inner richness here & now. There is no secret treasure store which we needs to  be hunt.
It is just that when you have imbibed truth in your thoughts,words and actions to such a great level that there is no fear, insecurity, search,  regrets, &  guilts, you are completely free then and completely fulfilled too.
Playing my part well.. What does that mean actually?It simply means a balance between being 'balak' and 'maalik. '
Be a child,honestly when there is someone in front of you who has a knowledge/expertise in some area, in which you probably is not well accustomed with. Give them regard. A true learner always bows down in front of their teacher/guru/guide with regard and then only one can gain diksha Or education. There is a custom of being surrendered to your guru/guide based on very well thought nature of human being. A human being when becomes very powerful or reaches at a very high position becomes arrogant & ignorant of his duties. Therefore the one who is a student and a world server for lifetime is worth diamonds. Education means to educe i.e. to bring out the best in you and is closely connected with divine virtues..we need to be paitent,polite,respectful,humble during the process. The secret is it increases our own energy. If we see our Indian culture, a pupil always sits below his/her teacher on the ground.We open many of our energy centers,which otherwise remains blocked and You attract pure energy from universe while you do so. And the greatest benefit is Learning always keep us young and enthusiastic, and we feel blessed.
And what do we mean by being 'Malik'. Well,.....It is having courage to follow your inner voice and taking our decisions fearlessly without fearing consequences. It is possible actually with the long term authority of experiences that we are completely sure of our decisions & that which decision will fetch us what result which only is the secret of success and contentment in our Brahmin life.

Love & Light
Om shanti. 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

We are Independent or Interdependent?

Everything in existence is interdependent, so you cannot be absolutely free on the outside —and there is no need, either. Enjoy this interdependence.

Don’t call it bondage. Even the smallest grass leaf is related to the greatest star. But in the inner world, you can be absolutely free. So, the whole question is of the inner. And then you will not feel sad and rebellious; there is no need. Understand that the outer interdependence is a must, it is inevitable; nothing can be done about it. Accept it joyously, not as a resignation.

This is our universe; we are part of it. The ego is a false entity; we are not separate, how can we have egos? It is good as far as language is concerned; it is utilitarian to use the word ‘I’, but it has no substance in it. It is pure shadow, utterly empty.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Very meaningful & Popular phrase of Brahmin life"Fir se"

Does the phrase "fir se", terrifies you or puts you with wings of zeal and enthusiasm?
Depends upon situation. Can master creator say that? Can angels say that.? The unlimited knowledge widens the scope of 'fir se'. The situation present could be seen with different angle. Is it not? Do I have that much treasure of knowledge with me in my treasure store. And that too opened not locked.. The more it's opened, more it's safe.. Is it not? So, check.. What all can be called 'fir se'... Fir se Me deiti.. Fir se Me crossing khaari channel. Fir se.. Me becoming victorious.. Fir se.... Me becoming full... Fir se Me becoming unshakable.. Fir se.. Me becoming fulfilled.. Fir se Me 💃dancing over so called problems. Fir se Me singing my song of benefit. Fir se.. Me donating virtues.. Fir se Me becoming contented. Fir se Me becoming heir to God's heart throne. Fir se Me becoming carefree.. Fir se Me enjoying my incognito gifts... Fir se Me becoming completely pure.. Fir se.. Me becoming a lion/lioness and making a roar and let the fear fear and run away.
Fir se me blessing myself with positive outlook , loving  and humble attitude. Fir se Me sustaining my qualities and strengths and bringing them into action not keeping them only in thoughts and plans.

Fir se.. Me scribbling and you reading.
Fir se.. We remembering baba.
Fir se We thanking baba.
Om shanti.
Love & Light.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Why we souls come to earth?

Do you often think why we are here on this planet earth?Is there a purpose of my existence?Well,ofcorse there is a purpose which is to experience life in all its forms whilst becoming pure. There is a taste,beauty and wonder i.e there is a feeling associated with anything that the soul experiences in its life when it's in the body. Life is full of dualities.Happiness and sorrow.Winning and Defeat,Success and Failure.A soul is the living entity,who has the thinking & reasoning  abilities.It has a part recorded over it,like a CD,which has songs recorded over it. We too have our own set of knowledge,qualities,skills,recorded within us.Every soul has the ability to percieve any outside situation, in it's own manner based on its recorded beliefs(original or formed over a period of time) and thus experiences any feeling,forms attitude about any situation or person.When something good is remembered on account of the match between inside recording and
outside situation,we feel comfortable and enjoy life's offerings but when the memory is not so pleasant,either we simply reject or we try to create harmony by adjusting ourselves.It is then comes the role of choosing responses and which further takes us into dualities either sorrow is experienced or Happiness ,either we feel like being winner or feel defeated, either we feel Successful or it feels like a failure.This itself gets recorded over the soul and the journey of soul's evolution  starts in this lifetime or even carried to many other succeeding lifetimes.This only is the whole game all about,creating a new recording over the soul.Its the soul who creates aims,dreams, aspires for goodness, power,wealth and good relationships and now coming into action with a sense of self realisation creates new recordings, new beliefs within the soul so as to have only elevated sanskars and good memories within it. The only care one needs to take is to constantly purify aims and desires of the soul and also closely watch the means of achieving those.Is everything based on the principles of spirituality & Godly dictates(Srimat) ?As long as there is purity,the result is a feeling of success and Happiness otherwise the soul being living and self realised has to pass through a series of births and deaths to repent for all its wrong doings.So,purpose of life
can be called as "To Evolve inside out"and come closer to our truths("Who am I, in its purest form") and ultimately close to God.God's role in this world drama to be the highest is to help us reach our goals enjoying all life's tastes,beauties and wonders along the journey and remain unaffected with the dualities and move in an unshakaeble stage and when the time comes gets detached from the body in a second and fly back to our sweet silence home all happy and contented to have a new set of sanskars, free from any past burdens.
To sweetest Beloved long lost and now found children of baap dada,love and rememberance from godly sister.
khudai khidmatgaar! !
om shanti.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Signs of a Truthfull soul

The one who is Truthful  never has insecurity,he never accumulates anything,hence no fear of hiding and getting insecured on losing anything.His Treasure store is always open.No matter how many comes,he knows he will always remains full,such richness and faithfull intellect he has.Anything righteous that he does in the name of god can ever go waste,defeat that may appear in the moment is just momentarily,afterall following the path of truth has never been easy(history),it is like walking barefooted on thorns,crossing rivers of fire. Still truth has power to sustain itself,the boat of truth can shake  but can never sink. The one who is Truthful shines bright in times of darkness. The one who is truthful develops a strength of character and gets the virtue of fearlessness.The one who is truthful is always happy and contented .The one who is truthful is courageous,hard working and has a clear vision at every step. For the one who is truthful, nothing remains unattained ,No relation unexperienced,no taste untasted.,No fragnance far, No beauty unenjoyed, No commodity unattained.No thirst unsatisfied.

Following the right method and right code of conduct at every step,therefore remains full with all the treasures at every moment.

Success based on the inside out equation,dwells a life of simplicity and purity,
Thus, always close to reality and hence very near to Holy Divine God.There is no confusion or doubt or any question unanswered in his intellect.Past,present and future so very clear in intellect that power of discernment and power of decision making works accurate.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Transformation through Higher Conciousness

For transformation,We should have a close eye  on our inner world and should be able to evaluate,what Attitude(vriti) is working inside it of fear or insecurity or selfishness or
jealousy or opposition/rejection or hatered or of I/me/mine or further of 'I like things this way'
and 'there is no other way'.or is it of 'I am the owner,i know how things are managed,I am experienced,this is how it happens,everyone should agree with me')

For changing our Attitude (vriti),we have to first accept them that they are there,then we should see how much hard i try to sustain them,they are doing no good to me nor the others.I lose the hold on my inner power.And If,in the process of controlling situations i cause harm to anyone with something that is not righteous.people will not like me for that.Baba tells us
the solution,that use your vritis for benefiting world,don't  spend  time fighting  with them,simply transform them,this way we will be able to get rid of negative consequences of old patterns of
dissatisfaction,anger,confusion,doubt,hatred,clashes that it was bringing to me when i was using my vriti for self fulfillment.Now when i use it for world's benefit,it will fulfill me First,bring happiness Second,increase self respect Third,increase power fourth,bring wisdom fifth,develop strength in my character sixth,bring purity and truthfulness in nature. 

Dear souls, For serving the world,we just have to take some time out for once and understand & contemplate over the phsychology and needs of different kinds of people,why people think and do things in a certain way ,this way we open our doors of acceptance & are able to accomodate them and realise  that nobody  is wrong on their parts,we all have our conditions & reasons,knowing this we will either cooperate with them as it is,or help them find solution to the issue at hand.And if neither of it is possible,we tell them to leave it on time and let the things settle down in  its due time.We realise that we simply had good  wishes & pure feelings  for them & we talked sweetly this time with them, all this became possible  by just one change & that was 'me first',and the firm belief over my self respect of me being the 'world benefactor'.This itself makes us pure as we learn to see goodness in all and handle things with a balanced approach  and icing over the cake,we further develop a skill of enjoying everything that comes our way and yet able to get detached from it in a second,like an actor playing a hero part and now he is detached from his part after leaving the stage,back home,dress  changed.No effect,Perfect shot. Good show!! Well played.. Applaud... Fan following.. Lime light..Once more!! Photograph please.😊

In Baba's sweet remembrance,
Om shanti.