Monday, December 16, 2019

God's Divine Melody

God's Divine Melody

Sweet children,Lovely children..Together we will bring Heaven.I am creating a new world for you.
According to cycle,We are about leave for highest abode.Many in the world have done and are still doing the sadhanas/tapasya/spiritual practises to attain mukti/Liberation/Nirwana but the father says it is no big deal reaching into silence world,all have to go anyway when the time comes.You children are the most fortunate ones who meets the father at the Confluence age.You get his special glance (Nazar se nihal kinda swami satguru),you special ones eat ,drink,walk,play and sleep with him,you only celebrate the divine meeting with him,its you only who know the 3 aspects of time...who we were(world emperors,worship worthy souls,Highest and holiest souls)who we are now and who we are to become in near future.All this is on account of the purity you imbibe on Sangam.Such Divine intoxication you children should have.
In Bible its mentioned "I have come to Love you & not teach you..Love will teach you"
Such is father's Love for children.Achha!
In Godly Rememberance,
Om shanti!!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Life :Head vs ๐Ÿ’œ❤Heart.

As is the saying "Jeevan dene ka naam hai".. The more you give, the more you get back. Profit/loss is for business man. Life is a beautiful opportunity,a one in a million chance for evolving towards divinity. For benefit or getting our work done... Lieing,stealing,fraud, unfair means, cheating... In short using    Tacts.... Can never give you the most valuable,most rare and most seeked thing of today's times,contentment.All energy spent in thinking, planning and gaining. In fact lost all the precious time  given to you by destiny for living  in the moment,creating good wishes, caring, understanding and sustaining lives in moving away from your real self .No form of gain whether monetory or non monetory( in terms of name or respect or position)can ever replace your most valuable & imperishable assests , your principles and character.You built them at every step through your clean thoughts, elevated attitude, pure vision and a higher action. When you create a building, every brick counts and when you create a life every thought counts, so will you compromise your  precious life for momentory gains or short lived sense of achievement, victory or power.Will it be called a Profit.Then how should we actually lead our lives to grow on both the fronts, where we experience an internal satisfaction with a high character and principled life and also make a successful worldly image of name, respect and position.The ans is very simple, integrate your dharma and karma.Always take care, while you gain, others should also gain.Through Spirituality,this seemingly impossible thing can be achieved. See everyone as the soul sparkling in their forehead. Then love, acceptance, respect and compassion will be natural. Anger, hatered, blame, complaint, expectation, revenge etc will no longer exist. Your gain now is multifolded with every step that you take because you now start gaining blessings from others,you now start flying with double force, your own efforts and people's blessings. You now start gaining long lasting happiness, long lasting contentment, beautiful relations, higher values and ethics(a higher stand) . You become an example, a sample, an inspiration for many.You become a powerful leader who's been looked upon in times of crisis for support by others,your words becomes a means of solace for many.your every step becomes a direction for many to follow,your persona becomes that of reality and royalty, your credibility, loyalty and honesty becomes a pillar for your life and many lives around You become unshakeable and immovable in the stroms of life and transform everything in to your favour and start enjoying gifts of life. You develop a higher taste and a higher thought process and rise above mediocrities. You become a comforter,a healer and a guide for many.You become a True friend with an accomodating heart giving light, hope, courage, enthusiasm to all. So, with all these higher gains who would want to compromise values, principles and inner sense of achievements of self love, god's love, world's love and run behind temporary sensory pleasures of seeing, talking, listening,knowing,controlling and racing. The inner attainments for being a heartful person are much much higher than the temporary gains where one uses the head more often than heart. Dear Friends!The victory does not always lie in winning in the moment.It sometimes lie in losing your all and trust me when you loose yourself for a higher purpose, you never lose actually.You gain many folds and for many lifetimes.Nothing goes waste, you rise beyond your own expectations and shine in the world and God's forehead like a valuable ๐Ÿ’Žjewel and become a garland of victory in his neck. 
There is an ancient saying:-

"Pothi pad pad jag mua.. Fira na man ka mail, dhai aakhar prem ka pade toh pandit hoye"
With these words, I salute the ancient wisdom of our ancestors whose lives were driven more by their hearts than heads and thus enjoyed a sense of well being and a balanced life despite challenges.Friends,We too need to follow them if we really want to lead a fulfilling life. Best wishes!
In Godly rememberance,
Your true friend!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Pure High vibration Divine Words!!

High vibration Divine Words that are really Empowering and Refreshing :-

Knowledge's Dance,Sing,Shine,celebrate... Easy light happy..  Recreate,Learn,unlearn,Relearn,Reincarnate..Create Magic..Support, fun. Different Roads..same destination...Spiritual Fragnance,
Think new.. Think different. Break the ice.shake hands. Spread love, Spread trust. Enjoy life.. Thoda sweet thoda sour! Add ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’“beauty. See the unseen. Feel the unfelt... Say the unsaid...Love, Care..Play, laugh!act! Celebrate!create ๐ŸกHome! Rise above ...Raise dignity.. Feel valued.... Feel honoured...Live!! Spread ๐ŸŽจcolors of Joy, love, compassion, kindness, oneness!

Fly ✈., jump, swim, swing, ride, thrill. Uplift, Empower, Heal!! Surprise.. ๐ŸŽGift... Congratulate... Bless!!  feel Warmth...feel Coolness! experience Belongingness.

Be Mature, sincere, farsighted, broadminded, fast forward,Efficient, proactive, aware, wise, realistic, enthusiastic, honest , full of integrity, credible,accountable , ever ready, spontaneous, natural , kind, merciful, great donor .  great Healer, a re nouncer, world benefactor.., a revolutionary, religious minded, lover of humanity, a social server, a local server...rooted
obedient, worthy  caring, daring, team person, leader ,respected,honored, good spirited humble,lawful,Responsible, careful.

Om shanti!!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Spiritual atmosphere at service place.!

Spiritual atmosphere at service place.!
Sense of duty and responsiblity for both the godly instrument and godly servers.

Oneness... Dil se.. Empower.. Motivate... Mere bhai behn...aage bade..Seekiladhe.. Kalp pehle wale..Their mistake.. My mistake. What happens actually sometimes is Why should I care/bother... Let me Remember baba n fulfil my duty.... No separate business here..Race... Sabse pehle ja kar baithna paramdhaam... But kya Ja sakenge?... Are we not connected.....for raising others and feel empowered in the process.

One needs to become a child.. Egoless... And accept wat all happens internally and suggest it's rectification.But why don't we do it honestly...The reason is simple...coz we are all bound by our own aims/goals which we call as Law sometimes. But who has created that Law...think for a while!!In my view,  it was our own desire for fulfilling our higher aims which created that Law. If we rewind a little of life's journey it was Self centeredness,carelessness,insecurity, jealousy, lack of self belief that made us create that law. But now when we have crossed that phase,and have reached at a good level  both in terms of World ly achievements and spiritual heights still we are clinging to our old tendency of revealing only a little and bringing only a little benefit to others. Remember, Baba and time is demanding something else from us now, apart from our worldly success. He wants us create spiritually empowered leaders(aap samaan) and not followers.

A chitchat on what life really is ...A race.. A goal.. A game.. A drama.or A little of everything.... Or Is it just for accumulation.. More.. More.. and More...

 Contentment lies when you unconditionally have good wishes and feelings for others. When you have a feeling of uplifting others, when you have feelings of mercy for others.When you associate yourself with the real responsibility of bringing benefit to whoever comes in contact with you leaving behind the Conciousness of limited identity of role / one should go empty handed from your door.
A feeling of gratitude, depth of feeling fortunate. (Food, shelter, clothes)(you got sharan here, think for a while could you ever get such a free, fulfilled,pure,happy life in any part of the universe) creates a feeling of sense of duty for those who become instrument for us. There is a connection with baba through, They deserve a great level of respect from us, on the contrary we tend to find faults in them at times and criticize them and disintegrate the system.

We work so much for our issues, if we leave them all behind and start taking care of lives around us... Help them sustain. All our issues seemed to as if they never existed.
There is a responsibility for a leader as well as all others to create an atmosphere which is spiritual ly charged and enlightened..! These were my honest sharings of what I feel when I see some incidences around me. There is Love for all so the, flaws can't be seen.. ! We need to transform because we have promised father that together we will create a new code of conduct,a new world almighty authority kingdom by using our most powerful tool of attention. Om shanti! 

Thursday, November 28, 2019

New Reality through Programming in Subconcious mind.

Can a weakness be removed without facing it, just by avoiding it.. Will the concious believe that you are not weak until you practically be present confronting the situation. Our Subconcious mind is a very powerful and intelligent tool that we have, we can exercise it's power by using its power of belief. With Continuos trainings, commands and exposure, you get to win ๐Ÿ†over its deep rooted unexplained tendencies.When you win, then you say in faith, "It's already done"..., " What a Big deal".... "It's so simple"... " I am the conqueror of Every kalpa"Along with your own concious and subconcious, when everyone related to you,near or far starts believing and vibrating the same thought of empowered transformed new identity, it becomes further easy to stabilize self in new set of beliefs. So, care has to be taken to take one step ๐Ÿ‘ฃof courage in action taking every one along and start programming mind along side. Let all the positive thoughts become powerful thoughts by an exercise of repeatition and enter subconscious and start creating a new reality free from any disempowering image of self. Om Shanti!! 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bringing in ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿ™❤️True Blessings and Becoming an Angel

Bringing in ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿ™❤️True Blessings and Abundance and Becoming an Angel.

A good deed, an elevated deed done in the name of God. Does charity done to a lot many no. Brings more blessings? Or is the intention behind that good deed that brings blessings. Any mixture of rajo, tamo sanskars of bringing benefit to self before others brings not much of desired results of transformed higher self and contented life.Desire of name, fame, long term connection, enthusiasm, a feel good factor for filling in the empty space too are subtle forms of ego which thinks for its own benefit first.A self less service doesn't calculate or even thinks of such matters.

Let's make a calculation of our benefit, if we  still have a sanskar of calculating profit. Service done to a large no. A lot of energy spent for feeling your own feel good factor, a lot more energy spent in filling in subtle ego changed into self respect. A lot of it in separating subtle race and competition feelings.Further more energy spent in being uninfluenced by people 's opinions. And last but not the least a lot of energy is spent in avoiding show offs.
So, is it the good idea to take such calculative steps.
So, service whether done to a large no. Or a single person, the fruit it bears depends entirely on how elevated my internal stage is(Do I feel fortunate enough that God chose me for his task, do I feel greatful for getting a chance to express myself. Do I enjoy ❤and live Life for the moment,with living as such being the highest purpose)
It shouldn't be like I am always fighting to subside the ill feelings from past sanskars. I have to become a natural gyani and yogi,feeling great no matter what.
It's a good idea to start experimenting limited service too where I get a chance to starve my ego and i start practicing knowledge full thoughts rather than repeating fighting thoughts struggling my way towards stable mind.
In that context, a very important checking...Are my deeds lowering my ego or further raising it, we can check that very easily by asking ourselves one simple question....Do we find it easy to follow srimat (Godly directions) or we always feel it as a bondage.
What is God's purpose behind, we doing the service is lowering the ego and if that is not happening we are moving in circles⭕ delaying our own higher aims to manifest, further making life stuck to where it is and deprived of blessings by self, drama and the God himself.So, care should be taken to do the deeds which lowers my ego, without even thinking of where the whole world is racing and not binding self to a limited identity of a particular job/position and the qualities I know I have. One needs to become free from everything  in mind that binds oneself and limits self from becoming complete and perfect like father. And then we see miracles happening,we become an angel,free, unlimited and the companion of God. Om shanti!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Back Home!!!Drama is wonderful!!

Is it possible to find our lost treasure at a place,other than where we lost it?
From other places,one may get experience,willpower,knowledge,faith,but finally we have to pass through the predestined path only.Who decided?you only!!Is it not the greatest TRUTH?
Who created the Drama?you only in your thoughts!! That's why rightly ''Bani Bnai Ban Rahi..".Your Home is where you are and Infinity is where you exist!! achha.In Godly rememberance. Om shanti!!