Saturday, September 30, 2023

Children need to be understood।

From the very young age we start scolding children for their little mistakes। 

We dictate them right and wrong straightway,

We don't tell them the reason why।We don't  spend time with them listening to their hearts and fill it with love।

Infact mistakes and their correction need love not scolding ।

We can teach them the right ways by doing things ourselves,setting an example and inspiring them to do right।

We can even tell them motivational stories। 

We don't remain patient while listening to their small little happinesses and achievements of life

We become their judge if they share their untold secrets and even weaknesses।We start seeing them with that small vision ।

We don't appreciate their courage and honest sharing rather we create a disgust and insult for them।

We often compare them with their friends and siblings and further make them feel low in their self esteem। 

We often victimize them when we see them doing things which is often termed as morally incorrect which their friends or others around may be doing say parting,going for movies,making friends in opposite gender।

Parents have a very big responsibility for their child and need to grow in their mind set in sustaining their child as it is the time when their personality is shaping for lifetime।

Spiritual knowledge has a purpose


This knowledge  is to finish quarrels

Every quarrel arise from the point there is a difference of opinion and finishes when two of them decide to become soul concious and try to understand,satisfy and respect  each other's point of view।

Bring economy 

Economy in thoughts,words and action help save time,money and other resources hence cost is easily economised। 

To create solutions। 

Every problem comes with a reason।Find out the root cause for it and solve it from there on।

Purpose of.spiritual knowledge

Purpose of spiritual knowledge 

  • Transform old sanskars 
  • Remain stable in different situations। 
  • Create right response in situations and create good fortune।
  • Understand the power of present in creating future destiny of your choice।
  • Understand the inner powers of soul।The way you think,feel and do now and in future is entirely in your hands।
  • Create new Sanskaars of kindness,compassion for all ।
  • Increase the level of  your acceptance for oneself and others।Appreciate and express your gratitude often।
  • Feel proud of your beautiful part in this unlimited stage of life
  • Feel proud of your eternal existence  in this world drama।
  • AND most important,Feel proud of our beloved eternal Supreme father।

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Break away from vicious cycle of Problems and come into universal brotherhood

Story of a builder ,society Incharge whose focus shifted from Spirituality  completely into business and created imbalance in many lives

A learning for all of us to think for others before thinking for self

We focus on others,their shortcomings ।We think self to be very intelligent,We judge others as the ones with less sense। 

Actually it's we Who don't plan before doing anything। Create loss for self and others।

We don't meet & connect with others whom we think as less intelligence or relevance। 

We don't leave our comfort zones and don't care to do this most important initiative which only leads to fulfillment of any plan/project where everyone 's approval & benefit is merged।

Hence everyone 's blessings 

Then what happens ultimately drama forces us to come out by it's unique ways & means which is called problems & failures, quarrels & allegations। 

Then also we don't care to confront the problems with calmness ,we shout ,we blame,we criticize others

We hide,we don't face them or take charge of them & feel our responsibility in it।

We forget that it is we only who created them either by running away from people & situations by labeling  them of not of our level or not handling things at right time with right method or not planning right taking into consideration all aspects of human life where all emotional,physical,mental,social,physchological aspects come।We like to walk alone ,we don't like to listen anyone's views or suggestions/ideas।

We like to be in our little shells,our comfort zones due to our limited mindset and selfish motives and don't feel like coming up in open platform with all to do something for common interest and benefit because of our superiority complex।

Well it's high time to break away from this cycle of Problems and come into spirit of Universal brotherhood।

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Say things on right time

Knowledge is knowing what to say.

Wisdom is knowing when to say.

Help them change

Fill in the power in the soul for the soul to be accepting the truth and transform.

For anyone to be taking on the new beliefs leaving behind the old ones requires love and acceptance from their near ones.

Give the cooperation to every one and help them change

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Make heaven @home

A Spiritual divine conversation with a friend 

हमें heaven अपने घर को बनाना है। हम उन्हें दान करते है जिनके पास already बहुत कुछ है। दान हमेशा poor(spiritually)को किया जाता hai(godly version)होता ये है कि हमारी पुरानी से दिल hat गई है whether it be home,parents or even job।

What baba says first learn to enjoy and care and feel gratitude for treasures you already  have and learn the art of  emerging new from old।charity begins at home।lucky are not those who have everything  good। 

Lucky are those who make everything that they have  good। 

This attitude is the way to we becoming a very beautiful,loving,contented personality।

Other than that making everyone आप समान and feeling for them that they too should be able to forge a relationship with God and celebrate a meeting with him and make their life independent and happy full of solutions is what makes us do real good deeds and hence become a real true Baba's child

This is the reason why many come and go।We can't neglect our practical life and living principles of a happy fulfilled family life where there is an urge of sharing what we got,where we can't remain silent sharing our experiences of wonders/miracles how one can get immense happiness,health ,wealth just by following few godly dictates

A new divine life style where we control our tempraments and gain victory over our senses and enjoy a supersensous joy।

This knowledge is for all  souls।whether small children who study,middle ones who do job ,or adults who may be taking care of homes & office both and Hence need the understanding of how they can balance material world with spiritual life and enjoy a blissful life which is free from any vices

 We know our family and their issues so it is our first सेवा to make them realise the power of soul and Supreme Soul शिव baba। and help them transform

Those baba's children who fulfill their family life duties by being seated on the elevated swamaan that they are शिवभक्ति and जगत माता are able to be free from limited conciousness of I am small and I have my limited set of duties and thus able to sustain their family just like a surrendered sister runs a center

Then when we do all this for a long period doing our own पुरुषार्थ too just remaining free from seeing others and comparing their life to ours and focus on our journey doing whatever service we are meant to do according to drama Then there comes a day when you really become mature and baba reveals all your greatness through his own unique ways,through brahmin family and his mediums

 In short everyone has their time। everyone does something great in their lives without keeping a count Making many others go ahead which itself make them go ahead.

 And reveals them one day.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023





Big or small..both case learning there,responsibility there

Controlling,ordering,scolding not allowed.

Only Caring,sharing...understanding, helping.

Understanding & helping in secret..not making realised you are weak,you don't have this thing.

Pity ….BIG NO.

Rather..we love you ,we care for you.

don't worry,be easy,everything is good.

Baba is with us..We have everything 

You are are lucky can do have done it several times.

Only repetition's easy.

Sorry,if you felt bad,I didn't mean that.

I always appreciate you & your good wishes for me..It's  me who sometimes not able to understand it in right way & give right response.

Still you always remind me.Take good care for me,save me at every step.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Thanks for your patience. 

Sorry I was in a hurry,I couldn't listen to you properly & judged you wrongly.You were saying things for my benefit.I will try to listen you properly next time.

Please write to me,I will read & respond to you as early as possible. 

Please excuse me ,I am in a little hurry,will meet you soon.

Let's talk about it a little later please. 

Please try to say it in few words ,I will see if something can be done about it.

Please don't mind,I can cooperate this much only at this point of time.May be I can do more in future.

Please let me know the issues you are facing ,I will try to come up with right solutions that is beneficial for one and all.

Just relax,& openly share Please. We have a solution if are willing.

There is a way.

There is a possibility .

It is easy.

It can be done.