Monday, July 31, 2023

Essence of knowledge- part 2



Land of religions

Land of culture & traditions

Land of festivals

India's value system

Land of God/Goddesses

Land of saints & sages

Land of spiritual fragnance

Land of dietes

Land of God's reincarnation.

Rajyoga:householders path

Sanyaas of vices

Lotus like life.

Karmyogi life.

Sermoniser of Gita

When was gita recited

By whom

What is karmayoga

Which battle. Non violent.. Kaurav pandav

Deites & Devils. Battle?

Sorrow in the world from very begining?

1st religion.

Trunk of all religions

Essence of all religions:purity

Seed of all humanity.

Definition of religion.

Inculcation of values... Love, Forgiveness, ,compassion, mercy

What is the time now

Essence of knowledge part-1

1. Parampara sarvvyapi nai. 

Stay where you are।Disciplining senses.Practicing remembrance...realizing.

Teacher relation important.

2.Humare purvaj kon devtayein ya bandar.

Follow father.Respect ancestors. 

3.Karmo ke hisab. 

Understand.settle through yog power .

4.Vartmaan karm (shreshtha karm) ki shakti

Optimism & Newness.

5.Adhyatmic jeevan shaili. 

Yogi jeevan..karm Yogi. Equal importance.

6.Dharam aur karam ka balance. 

Values in the deeds.lambi race ka ghoda.


Soul for study.Balanced approach

7.Nirbandhan karam(jeevan mukt avastha) 

akarta.. behad.Excellence.good planner..good manager.

8.Samadhaan swaroop. 

Solution oriented approach.

Less with outside.more with self.More the  detached  ,more the easy/calm easily solution in front. 

9.Aatmic shakti... , tan, man, dhan, jan sab swasth

Healthy ...longevity. 

10.Paratama se avinashi sambandh.

Understanding God's ways & means.seeing through  his  eyes.

11.Aatma ko apne Anek janamo ka darshan.

Repeation, faith.history/geography repeat actor.

12.Srishti ke mukhya actors or unki visheshtaye. 

Faith,honesty ,aim/purpose, tireless passionate,motivated  self driven.

13.Manav jeevan ki Mahanta.




Never say die












Broad minded

Open minded


Master in glory of god.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Love all ways

Do you have your favorites !!

Do you have your special likings !

Do you have preferences!

Do you have your chosen desired ways!

Well Congratulations !! that you can decide your inner drives।but what if things don't turn your way।

Values would come into picture when things go other's way & Miracle happens।

Surprise comes,gifts emerge।

An element of Surprise makes life worth living so  leave a space for something to happen on it's own & love all ways। 

Move forward

Don't wait for all the answers and resources to get available to you first।keep moving with what you all know and have,everything else will be available to you as you move forward। 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Decide time

Decide time when you need to recall and forget things।

Things that empower you,things that are a challenge for you।

You need to do them anyway। Keep your inner clock so active and accurate that your inner system works like an efficient automated system of when to do things and when not to do them।

So that recalling and forgetting goes automatic  in your system। 

Time is the friend

Make time your friend by using it wisely ।Give time to things you value and see them flourish। 

Start healing others

Start healing others and you will be healed automatically। don't wait for the right time।

This is the time।The most auspicious time is now।Everything else in the universe will be adjusted automatically with your right move in this moment।

Time is the valuable resource


Time is the valuable resource। 

You can make others feel important,give others a reason to live by giving your time।

Important reminders

Learn ways to make others feel good when one needs them।।

Reminding them of their qualities 

Reminding them of their strengths 

Reminding them of their wining  moments 

Reminding them of their moments of courage

Collective transformation of the world

Don't overestimate others and become Slag in "your" duties and contribution you are supposed to make in the unlimited task of collective transformation of the world। 

Prevent Mistakes

It should be easy to accept a mistake and make a pledge to transform self even if it gets repeated many times।Have courage to say sorry।

Or prevent the conditions that let's do that mistake। 

learn in a second

Can we create a replicate copy of us in others।
at all times।

Everyone  is unique!

We often forget the things taught to us but It's  best when we realise and learn in a second when reminded।

Go step by step

When someone comes in realisation ,don't make them realise further even if you think realisation  is not full।

Don't say "Now you know!!"  No!

simply accept ,,,,



Repentance is the greatest realisation & way to transformation। 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Creating atmosphere

By giving a wrong thought to one, and letting it vibrate. 

It automatically goes to many creating an atmosphere peacelessness & unhappiness to many.

Therefore, be very cautious what thought you are giving to even a single soul.

Are you creating heaven or hell through your actions affecting many lives. 


Apologize everyone whom did you hurt or caused harmed  conciously or unconsciously.

You may have your past influences that made you do so but simply by taking the support of it won't compensate the loss caused to others.

Clear the loss.. Emotional, mental, social, financial. And once you do so, you too will be liberated from subtle sin of Exploitng life of others. 

Forget and let go

 Forget past.

Whatever happened was a consequence of your past karma. Don't hold on to that experience so tightly in your mind that it doesn't allow you live in present and ruin your as well as others life. 

Let go.

Do good karmas now and create a life of abundance. Live, love, trust, have good wishes and create a heaven for yourself and all around. 

Attact right energy

Consciously choose to think positive because atmosphere won't allow you do so.

Attact  right energy & best situations by sending in right thoughts into the universe. 

Multipy blessings by being in harmony with all & sending in good wishes. 

Heal yourself, heal the world. 

And Create  a life of positivity. 

Become worthy of worship.


Surrender yourself to the will of God and be sustained by God. 

Become worthy of worship. 

Change your song

Change your song..I did.I do.
I earn. 

And caught up in golden chains

Don't forget the besower,, and the supporters who made you do . Glorify all and lead a life of ease and respect. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Talk politely

When there is a need to repeat things, guide, and teach others, be patient. Don't raise voice. Don't emerge the consciousness of counting the past repeation or impressions.

Instead be sweet, be polite, be humble and repeat your parts with the consciousness of God's instruments and feel the easiness, hope, fortune and a stage of liberation in life. 

Monday, July 17, 2023

Investing material wealth & making it spiritual

Almighty Father gives us all the material wealth. And gives us directions to spend it in a way that along with getting your worldly necessaties, you also study the valuable lessons of life. Think it as A fee., a donation, a bill paid to those who are instrumental in teaching us the lessons of life and making us free from committing sin after sins.

So, make your connections to pure souls who inspire you with one or the other godly teachings. 

Thanks to all those souls who teach us and not complaint or criticise them. They are making us free from attachments to wrong beliefs that we have been holding to for long time. 

Power to learn & earn

With God as helper & following his directions there is always an investment & a long term profit that comes as an imperishable happiness & power to learn & earn at every step. 

Character is the greatest wealth

Selfish motives, greed leads to corruption & loss with character & purity of the soul which is greatest loss even greater than loss of wealth. 

Administration works with purity in attitude

Pure vision & respect for others let's us understand their perspective. And then comes the good wishes  & good feelings for all. 

An open heart and Connection with supreme & benefit for all helps to keep balance with head & heart and unite all .

This makes administration & higher plans work. 

Meet without a reason


In this age of science, we have become so much dependent upon technology that we have stopped using inherent powers of the soul. (memory, powers of love, happiness etc). And have stopped trusting our own self & others. Therefore further becoming low on on our emotional intelligence & mental strength.

Therefore, solution to this is meet people anyway & keep a balance of inner powers of souls & blessings from science & technology. 

Cut away difference of opinion

When there is a difference of opinion & we stop talking.

However, that blocks feelings of good wishes & love. And blocks even a slightest chance of becoming one with truth, have trust on each other & moving forward.

Thus blocking the flow of river that is to flow.

Also thereby becoming far from divine help in carrying out his divine activities through his instruments. 

Therefore finish any such differences as soon as arise with a more sensible & open mind approach taking into consideration the good parts of every person and situation & bringing them into action. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Are you available?


Are you available?

ARE you ready to listen to anyone who comes at you suddenly.

Do you have enough love,

Do you enough patience.

Do you have a big heart. 

Do you know how to make others smile? 

The world needs an open comforting heart, sweet words, loveful behaviour 

An empowering company for a short while.

Do you have enough.? 

When will you have Enough ?

 Do you wish to remove poverty in the world.

If so, you have to first remove the poverty in your sanskaars.

Do you send back anyone who comes at your door empty handed counting you don’t have enough.

 Be it time, energy, sweet words, open & generous welcoming heart.

Ask yourself when will you have enough.? 

The Answer is The moment you realise that you are children of unlimited. 

Messanger of God.

 Following your heart for bringing about your higher values in action is a blessing in itself. 

Be proud of yourself for the privilege to be able to do so & become a messanger of God. 

Life of supersensous joy

It is easy to compromise values for small little worldly attainments but the one who stands firm on their principles go to HEAVEN & live a life of supersensous joy & divine contentment 

Become Divine


When you are ready tolerate & sacrifice absolutely anything for doing right actions,that is the time you start becoming divine.



It is the values that makes life great.

Let your values be your identity and you will no more need any external recognition/acclamation. 

Experience is biggest teacher.

Let your loved ones learn the art of living through their own experiences. (rise & falls.)

Experiences makes one powerful & decide right course of actions in different scenerios of life. 


Sweetness of life is experienced when we have humbleness & don't prove ourselves to be right alw@ys.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Respect for divine teachings

Giving attention to divine teachings makes us humble & grow through life.

For the one who consciously make effort to be truthful being , considers every situation as an opportunity to learn & become virtuous. And thus maintain and shows regard & love for all. 


Transformation is easy when we listen to & give regard to others ideas & advise. 


Let us all make others go forward & See &, invent the most beautiful inherent quality of the soul i. e generosity . 

See the bigger picture

Seeing the situation from one angel blocks our sight to appreciate the play of life happening on a bigger stage.

See the bigger picture & You will enjoy Miracles of life.

Ego blocks powers

Ego blocks the love &, then even the right things doesn't seem right. 

The more we accept "what is ". The more we are able to remain sweet, give good wishes & have respect for others. 


Detached love

Your concern is fruitful when you see things from distance & let things happen. 

Time is a powerful teacher .

Enjoy all seasons

People change

Situations change

...For good only...(Change is the law of nature)

There is a reason & season for everything. 

Let us enjoy all seasons of life & blossom like flowers. 

Law of growth

Do not control.

Do not possess... Anyone.

Individuality,freedom is what we all long for.

Growth happens when we give space. 

Having Good wishes is a sign of love

Your love & good wishes reach your loved ones.

Let it constantly flow & help them. 

Life is a story

Life is not a complicated matter. It's just a story of yours & mine. Simply Write it well.

The pen to write your destiny is with you.

When someone tries to doubt you.

When someone tries to doubt you.

Tell them your achievements by doing them again. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Life is to be fearless

Life is to be fearless.And express your best self into action no matter what the result may be.

Goodness always lead to good results which  only secures us for a bright future. 

Only This moment is truth

Life lies in this moment. Don't waste it in thinking what it could have been. Whatever is their is the best & perfect for you.

Be content where you are & keep on improving & appreciating what you already have. 

Life is a....

Life is a song of love, life is once in a lifetime opportunity to live, laugh & enjoy. 


Life is a Beautiful song

Life is a  beautiful song. The one who harmonises its notes with all enjoys the music & different melodies going on round. 


Accumulation never makes you rich or fulfilled.

Generosity makes you rich. 

You are rich when you need no more.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

True civilization

True civilization is one which enables you to bring about your values in action without looking at others .

True education

True education is that which helps in bringing out your best potential into action.