Thursday, March 30, 2023

Conversation Rules.


  • Listen to understand (not answer),
  • Listen without any preconceived notion.(wall).,prior impression/judgement.
  • Come in contact without any aim(object),motive,welcome the other person first .Greet them well first.
  • First have respect for the other person for their time /energy.
  • For a good conversation,Let the conversation be Freely flowing.Become free from any attachment to result or be time concious repeatedly,enjoy the  sharing & learning something new in the process.
  • Give space for the person to think & process & answer after you say something.
  • Be kind & compassionate towards the needs of others.Ligthen them.Make them comfortable to able to express right.Don't try to judge anyone immediately.There can several reasons be there for the other one not to answer & remaining silent.(may be saving your respect or may be waiting for right time to answer or may be waiting for other factors to settle down).Becoming detached,Smiling & Silence is the best answer many a times.
  • Do not see people with labels because that will color your vision & love will stop flowing.Connection would not occur & understanding will not happen & opinions will differ
  • Knowledge is what to say ,wisdom is when to say.
  • Do not aim to know everything.Whatever piece of knowledge is available at this time is enough for me now.Things will start unfolding at their right time.


Om shanti

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Strong Managers

 Work Life 

Right mindset

Open ness,

Learning attitude 


Moulding nature



Out of बॉक्स

सर्कल of possibilities 

Check & change,

Concentration & focus।


Truth & Honesty

Comfortable & easy atmosphere for all




Powerful system,,formalising


Policies,strategies, laws,confidentialities

ट्रांसपेरेंसी,Integrity, commitment

Feedback & Report 




Faith in system

Hardwork,शार्प work

Regulation of इंफो, filter(मीडिया etc)

No anger,no gossip zone

Discipline,language,,,sweet positive  transformative,appreciative

Truth civilized।।।seeing time ,& person

Create time

Despite distractions 

Go for the goal

Peak & tough times

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Education system( then vs now)


Ancient gurukul system better than modern education system.

The Gurukul system of education was the primary education system in ancient India. In the Gurukul system of education, students went to the teachers house and request them to teach. If guru accepts the students as the shishya. Then the students stayed at the Guru's place itself. And Guru mentored them in all their activities. The advantage of this system was that it created a very good bond between the teacher and his students. Students also learned how to run a family and gain insights on how to deal with society. The current education system and the teachings that are provided today are very different from the ones in the ancient Gurukul system. The global system of education was widely followed in ancient India, and the country was not lesser than the other nations. In fact, India was the one which gave the world zero and it was Indians who first quoted that Earth was round and shape. There was also a mentioned in ancient literature about the demand which we today known as the aircraft. In fact, the Indian system of medicines was also very highly developed, and they had known surgery techniques where they could do surgery. This was the system of education prevalent in India around 5000 BC, during the Vedic age. When values of living a culture life and discipline were given higher priority. This system was widely practised. The home of the guru or the teacher was referred to as the Gurukul. And the student recite that until they completed their education.

 equality for all the students was a major priority for the Gurukul and both the shishayas and the gurus recited at the same place, which created a stronger bonding. The relationship between the students and the teachers was really sacred, and no fees was even charged by the gurus. Instead of fees student paid the respect in the form of Guru Dakshina as the remark for thankfulness to the teacher. The Gurukul system of education emphasised on the all round development of the students. Unlike today, there was a sacred time when teachers were considered as next to God and were given immense respect. In order to keep the students closer to nature. Mostly, the classrooms were also located in the forest areas. Practical science was also given due importance, however, then it was not about securing good marks, but about learning the best. The concept of homework was also not present. And this helped the students in focusing more on their learning skills. Also, unlike the modern days, the craziness for rands did not exist. The Gurukul system taught students about ethics and practical values. practical teaching were given greater importance as compared to the theoretical concepts which dominate today. The aim was to inculcate, identify and nurture individual skills and not a rat race towards good scores. The art of living was taught to the students and in return for these great teachings, student paid the teachers the good reduction, this great system of education unfortunately, vanished in India. After 1835. This was replaced by the modern system of education by Lord McAnally to make the education system more uniform. However, the modern education system is more of a rat race, where the crucial teachings of personality morale consciousness building and ethical training are completely missing, rather than holistic training that must be offered to the students. The institutional concept is majorly commercialised. Nowadays, important skills including physical training are either missing or are given very less importance, which hampers the overall development of the students. Overall, the major ideology behind the ancient Gurukul system was to emphasise the importance of the overall development of the student that can help them in leading a balanced life. These important aspects of life must be taught to the students from a very young age itself. This would help them in making uniform and better decisions on their lifestyle, work routine, and overall matters in life.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Life is...

Life is Miracle.(unlimited)(possibilities)

Life is in moments(great time)

Life is Wisdom(cooking,cleaning,walking, talking,seeing)doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways 

Master is Driving.  (Interview,test)

Life style change.  (Detachment from I & mine)

Life is Acceptance for deciding to change.

Life is Interconnectedness(oneness).(ek ka show,ek ki praise,ek se connect)

Life is surrender(ego,weaknesses)

Life is  to be forever .(Be constant)



Sunday, March 12, 2023

Give unconditionally


Change your way looking at things


Change your way looking at things and things will change.

God is your companion

For going into the Service field.Don't fear.
You have nothing to loose,nothing is new for you,You have done it several times.
Everything can be learnt.
Give attention,observe.

God is your teacher.

Reliable connection


The more I share my spiritual treasures ,the more they multiply.

With an awareness of soul consciousness & world as one Big Godly family

I develop the virtues of Kindness & Mercy in me & able to share freely the treasures within me & come closer to my real self & hence become God realised.

Become simple & sample.

 Become simple & sample.

You need to be present at your field of action & remain in your higher stage in your thoughts,words & deeds & set an example of divinity in action.

Listen to everything,Harmonise with everyone,guide & help others,

Give directions where necessary.

Give solutions where required.Manage resources.

All with your power of purity & power of silence with your Ruling /controlling power over your subtle energies of Mind/Intellect & sanskars.

Determination is the key to success.

Become RoleModel for all & lead by example.

Becoming your best Version

 As you reach your higher self,you feel what you were seeking was already within don't have to ask for,search for or even think for your completeness.You are already complete.,you don't need anything from outside,you already have everything ,you just have to see it,use it, appreciate it.Develop that sense of appreciation & gratitude in your attitude & every action.

Achieving & always moving forward (doing)will bind you into an illusion /ego of body consciousness of being at the top, which will further take you away from your original self(soul consciousness).

What we need to realise is that we are unique ,we are special,life is a journey & I am a soul.I don't have to run fast,reach a place, acquire titles,get people around.

We are in no competition/race with anyone.I don't have to become like something or someone.

I just have to be myself,just be what I am.I am already beautiful,I am already fulfilled.I am already perfect in my own imperfections.

Anything from outside will further bind you into deception of being at & make you dependable & increase your ego of body consciousness.

That doesn't mean we will not move forward or achieve .We will achieve but while living awakened  balancing our inner & outer worlds becoming our best version.

Thank you.

Love & Light♥️

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Success code


Crack the success code


s is one thing which every person belonging to any age group aspires to.

But not all people do achieve the same. Does a successful person have a *KEY*?

Answer is - fixation of *GOALS & DISCIPLINES*.

👉 SKILLS are the need of the hour but at the same time SPIRITUAL SKILLS are very important.

👉 In challenging situations, the most common negative experience is of being *fearful*.

👉 *The success code is PAUSE*

— P is for attaining POWER & PEACE... learn the skills.

— A is for ATTENTION

— U is for Use self control, self awareness and discipline your mind.

— S is for setting a *schedule* with consistency and determination.

*SEE* yourself as an achiever of your GOAL.

— E is to ENERGISE yourself.

Understand the BEING. Spiritual energy in light form (SELF) is you.

Understand the true meaning of success- Soul needs success not the body.

The soul who understands the trick of being stable in all scenes of victory and failure is said to be successful. Such souls go beyond the bondage of temporary scenes and appreciate the wonders of life at large , knowing that each scene is designed for their benefit.

And I have to show highest code of conduct(standards )at all times(challenging times).

Face everything with dignity & give the Balanced response always.

Think you are unique and NEVER COMPARE.

  • A water creature fish cannot be compared to a flying bird.
  • A sun can not be compared to a moon.Both shine at their own times.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Life is a dance.

Life is a dance,let's celebrate this joy of living

Impossible  is nothing ...

Fear none.

Live full.

Solution  to every towards it.

Learn to say ..It's OK  & enjoy gifts of life that you already have.

Let's laugh away at our small childish habits.

Let's laugh away at our small reactions,little doubts,petty fears.

Let's go beyond all such matters & there will never be a day of sorrow in your life 

Let's equally be happy in failure as in success.

Let's Fill in ourself such positivity that we don't miss even a single moment of life for living full.

There is this season of joy,celebration,don't miss it!!

Live for others

 Live for others.

Just keep moving in ..we are spiritual beings on human journey .

You never know whom you are gonna meet next

A new friend,a counselor,a guide.

World is a family.You share one or the other similarity with each other with which you connect .Everyone has a story to share.

A loving smile ,an open heart & your availability (listening  ear)help someone feel light & accepted.

Everyone has something to say,give your few minutes,your shoulder to them & feel another level of  energy in you.

What you are seeking is actually seeking you.

You asked for this change ,this meeting,this sharing from God in your silent conversation with him & you are getting it now.

Fill life with such beautiful moments & you will never regret haven't lived full.

It doesn't matter how many years you had life.

What matters is how many moments you actually lived.

Collect these special moments of life where you consciously  lived for others  & feel proud of your living.So that the whole universe says  when you are going to leave the body....Well lived!!once more!

Yunhi chal chal rahi..

Life is a car...time is a wheel.

New people,new conversations. 

Door wo jane kiska gaon hai...

Free yourself ...Celebrate living..

 Kholo kholo darvaje parde karo किनारे 

Free self from everything that is binding you.


Let's decorate sky

If you hv thirst,there is rain

No one stopping

You are sunshine...

You are river..flow

Flow somewhere,fly somewhere 

Heart happy...destination 

A path is formed by walking.

We waste our time waiting for a path to appear. But it never does. Because we forget that paths are made by walking, not waiting. And we forget that there’s absolutely nothing about our present circumstances that prevents us from making progress again, one tiny step at a time..

Mutual agreement

 Ek ne kaha doosre ne maani

Tara rum pum.(Harmony)
