Sunday, November 19, 2023
Thursday, November 16, 2023
How do you surrender yourself
Someone asked How do you surrender yourself for service when you yourself have your needs,that you need to fulfill
Do your Every action as सेवा ।
We are not taking anything but from our experience we know that Baba doesn't keep anyone's contribution unrewarded
He gives returns in incognito ways like you get seat ,food on time,even accommodation when no one else is getting
No one will stop you on entering gates of madhuban,
You get a new parents/friends/advice/service group/knowledge when you need the most।
You get knowledge immersed in your intellect when you need to hv good योग with father।
You get one or the other seniors to give sustainence to you,love you,care for you,listen to you।
This and in many misterious ways he gives return of our sewa which no worldly currency can buy।
Still if we need monetary support as our pocket money and for that we just hv to believe in ourselves and put in our best efforts ,strive for excellence,greed for knowledge and skills then at the right time ,,,विधि से सिद्धि happens and we get monetary benefits too।
But for now,everyone need to understand and revise what their strengths are।what they can do।
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Warrior kings worship to deity kings,Why
आपे ही पूज्य,आपे ही पुजारी!!
Warrior kings Bows down to worship worthy pure non violent kings of Golden & Silver ages
Those non violent kings only became warriors at the beginning of the copper age and started worshipping their non violent pure self ,their deity images !!
आपे ही पूज्य,आपे ही पुजारी!!
To get some peace,to some solace।To restore their balance।
They Worshipping the qualities in other देती Idols which were once part of their being।
By Worshipping they gain their lost property to some extent and they then find themselves at ease and feel satisfied
Solution for No Wars
Solution for No Wars
For what are we really fighting for?
5 elements
- Land
- Sky
- Water
- Air
- Fire
Some want water in abundance as it freshes them,cools them
Some want the sky element where they can fly uninterrupted at a fast speed।
Some want fresh air where they can breath well
Some want fire in their being to feel the power of their existence!
The ultimate requirement of all is one or the other quality of the soul that balances the 5 elements of the body
So,the need is internal and fight became external soon after it started internally ।
Now one very important question
Can we provide everyone of what their need is
Do we have everything in surplous amounts or their is any scarcity
Scarcity is there in the conciousness or in the reality
Inner scarcity is bringing scarcity outside or is it the outside Scarcity that is bringing Inner scarcity or both।
So,what should we work on?
outside or inside or both?
What do we need when we have to work on both fronts of life।
Discipline,commitment and consistency!!
Should only if one follows this can make others too follow the principle!!
Yes!!because universe and its creator is one and it's creation is also one!!
A ripple effect in universe flows whenever there is something good done even at one corner of the world!
So,will there be fights anymore when everyone starts doing their best in their areas of life
Role of the common man in the war like situations।
What is the role of the common man in the war like situations।
To remain calm-
To remain positive and safe in the environment by creating pure and positive thoughts-
To pray for the well being of all -
To give his cooperation to the authorities by following the rules-
Remain fulfilled with essential commodities at their place-
When the wars came to an end or regulated
When the wars came to an end or regulated
When there was a great loss created and experienced in the battle field।
Of material and non material (spiritual)resources।
When many were made orphans and widows
Kings began to search and explore religion and religious values in their lives।For this they adopted one or the other religious paths with the help of a religious guru/mentor who will now become the guide of the king to Balance his dharma and karma।
Do battles in battle field with the right principles
(नीति प्रमाण)
The fare war
A war which has rules:-
Face the opponent straight
Attack/hit headon
No support from सेना
No गुप्तचर or digging a pit for the other or attacking someone from back or when he has surrendered his weapons
The one who follows above would then be called a Real योद्धा,A Mahavir,A Maharathi।
How does war really happen
How does war really happen ?
When mind sees others attainments,
Others glory। It starts to create a thought,a wish,a desire
that I too should have it
To acquire,it doesn’t want to work hard!
It wants it instantly by easy means।
It will create ways to see,observe attainments of others and cleverly become friends with the other one,join hands together and start to praise them ,come closer।Make plan for timing of when and how to get their valuable assets in their authority ।
It goes slow,create full live experience of friendly relations and keep its plan as a base behind their activity and action।It doesn't waste time even a single chance to get what it wants!
You can easily check what's in their heart by their gestures and activities। They would be very quick in their thinking and changing themselves according to situation।
It will take seconds time for them to decide their benefit and with a blink of an eye they will disappear if there is no benefit।
Their judgement and calculation power is also very strong,they calculate at a lightning speed their Takeaways to whether to carry out things further or not।When to pause things and when to resume things all based on a big Strategy working in their minds where their priorities of victory as per their plan is fixed!!
Any intervention or deviation from what's planned or thought brings a war like conditions for them!
When does the wars began in the world
When the soul lost its purity for the first time at the beginning of the copper age,it faced an inner turmoil and chaos inside itself
A war started inside it to get back its self sovereignty
but due to body conciousness
It was manifested outside as war with others for kingdom
Who were there at the very beginning in the world
When there was heaven ,golden and silver ages on earth at the start of this world cycle
There were only divine beings that existed on earth whose soul and body both were pure।
They were worship worthy themselves who lived in golden diamond studed palaces
There was no devotion or temples or pilgrimages there ।There was only Bharat only at that time।
Land of living Idols,deities।
These were ages of righteousness,truth and complete purity ।
Souls were 16 celestial degrees pure at that time
Who ruled the world and when
It was dieties who were $masters of the world$
How did they got their kingdom?
Did they wage war against someone?
Yes!Indeed !Against their 5 vices।Against their own weaknesses!
%A war without weapons%
Non violent war !!
when there was utter darkness/ignorance in the world at the end of the world cycle in Kaliyug(Iron Age)।
When was worship of God began
When the time of copper age,When the devotion begin as there was decline in the purity of the soul।
It was at this time when soul started to search God in 5 elements of nature and beyond।
Idols /Images of God were made and worship of God began।
Your words become filled with power when you speak less
Your words become filled with power when you speak less।
Your brain becomes sharp when you save your energy from useless thinking or talking।
And you get supernatural powers ।Power of intuition,Divine wisdom,catching power।
And you easily achieve in life whatever you wish /desire ।
History has many such personalities,Great man who alone as a one man army brought about great revolutions in the history of mankind।
MK Gandhi was one of them
He on the basis of truth and non violence made revolution of Indians Independence a success।
His speech has power,his vision was high,his strategy of non violence was wise।
He started living a celibate life ,A life of regulation
in order to connect to God and take power from God।He used to read Gita often।and diligently followed it in his life।
Swarajya,सत्याग्रह movement,swadeshi movement,dandi मार्च all these were done by him in his leadership and finally India got independence on 15th August 1947।
And he became the father of the nation and became Amar in the history of India
Should we listen silently
The other day someone asked me,
In a gathering,if a set of people is criticizing
Someone whom we admire/follow।
Should we listen silently
Would that be right।
Yes ,we don't need to argue for what we are inclined to।Simply follow।Don't need to prove our views or whom we follow to be right /better।
If we are right ,then it should appear from our conduct।your silence speaks more than your words।It is your vibrations that has effect on people not your words।Your personality should be such that what you want to convey is conveyed without any need of you speaking।
Your presence should silence people and they themselves ask you speak something and bow down in front of your authority of truth in their minds।
When we live the truth that we want to speak to others in our lives then there is actually no need to speak & people understand just by our few words and even by our silence or presence
Monday, November 13, 2023
Proud of your life
Diving into ocean is beneficial
or going inside yourself is beneficial
Climbing over to mountains and letting it come under your feet is beneficial
or Winning over the mountain of challenges and let them come under our feet is beneficial
Crossing through the fire is beneficial
or bypassing fire like words of others is beneficial
Jumping from great heights is beneficial
or Winning over your own ego and becoming humble is beneficial
Riding your vehicle with great speed is beneficial
or becoming one with divine intellect which understands everything at fast speed is beneficial
Do real big things in life and really become proud of your life
The only way to liberation
Ego doesn't let us accept our mistakes and change
Ego makes one fearful by creating doubts in one's conciousness that what will others think of me,
What will happen to my self respect,my self esteem,my image।
Ego tries to protect The false image created by its ownself in its mind।
It doesn't let you feel secure and protected in your true identity of a soul which is truth which is on an inner journey of becoming pure।
The only way to liberation is find out ways to become truthful ,where you create big heart and release all falsehood in a way that make you light as well as you make other one happy by listening to their words of wisdom.
Second chance
It is the greatest of all self respects(swamaan) and privileges of sangamyug to be able to really confess our wrong doings through our gross senses
B'coz this recording in you that you create while you speak your mistake does 2 things:-
1)Help you remain cautious in future
2)Create space in your heart for blessings of father।Extra power(sakaash)will come that area of weakness and it will forever be removed from you and a new strength ,a new habit will become a part of your life
Friday, November 3, 2023
Deities still the Masters of the World
Some Elders/diety souls says hopelessly "Nothing is same as earlier,everything is changed"
I say through my Experience:----
Everything is same and even better!
Without offering भोग to बाबा,भोजन is still not served in bhandara
Photos of देवता soul still here
द्वापर kings still bowling down in front of deity souls ,
Deities still highest & worshipped विधिपूर्वक ।
Knowledge is still here,revised ,respected विधिपूर्वक every where।
Banyan tree still standing tall,getting water from its trunk and twigs।
Deities still Masters of the world।
Things are becoming better with each passing day,
Those who do a lot of Karmas become body concious and forget to remain in the higher conciousness of secrets that baba has always told are awakening now
Secret:-History is being recorded now for the whole kalpa
Laws for Devotion (भक्ति)
Running a kingdom are being set up now
Still everyone's old belief systems are getting a challenge(चोट)now ,they are either leaving them willfully or drama is forcing them to leave it।Love will let them leave their old undivine tendencies & wrong actions
Very important point here:-
There is a Role of deity souls in this to move around,do their divine karmas as taught by God so that everyone follows them
To move around as चक्रवर्ती king ,give दृष्टि(observe),give glances(साक्षात्कार of God's sustainence and their elevated stage),give teachings with two words through example and divine actions(poorvajo को ही paalna देनी है ,devtas are seniors for the whole tree,Elders are at home,so no wrong thing should happen around ,Give teachings to everyone with love & युक्ति,give everyone swamaan and make it easy for them to accept the divine teachings and surrender in pure divine love and get liberation out of old tendencies।
परिवार में पास तो सब मे पास
Please share how to strengthen Godly relations with each other so that there can't be any breach.
Like Baba said in some murli *की परिवार में पास तो सब मे पास*....
How one can fullfill this?
Alaukik युक्ति done by Supreme long back।।।।।creation of Gyan yagya
Where there is a family (love,care)
Where there is a study(studying and teaching with love,seeing diamond in every forehead ,not judging,teaching through actions)
Where there is Service(where everyone honestly and sincerely contributes their skills and utilizes themselves for collective livelihood and benefit)
In all of these there are dharnas,that
Let say you are in service,and you suddenly get to know that your fellow sister is not well।What will you do?become Nashtomoha?determined and concentrated for service?become don't care or run to help,
choosing right thing at various SCENERIOS of life shows who we are।World sees who we are later but father and my own concious sees it first। And collecting these certificates from self and baba at every step of life makes me worthy of God's heart throne where there is no effort।easy योग,easy service।easy all attainments।Then World too sees you on Big stage of life like a star of success।
Another scenario,you are attaining and achieving from collecting effort of your group but you keep those स्थूल or सूक्ष्म attainments to yourself ,not distributing them to your group,what are you doing then?संग्रह। Accumulation।Which will stop you from going forward।
Law is फल को मिल बांट कर खाओ ।means पुरुषार्थ के फल का भी कुछ हिस्सा सेवा में लगा दो,sow seed from it and get a new tree of सेवा and attainment from it।This is getting multiple returns।।।increasing 0s ।।1 guna 10 guna 100 guna 1000 guna depends upon us how much we want to earn the fruit of our actions
Third thing :::There is a scenario in which you are standing on your feet in पुरुषार्थ and service।Will you now forget your elders who sustained you through the journey,there feelings must be connected to us। there must be hopes from us।will you give them your news(Personal&service) ,
Will you ask them if they need anything,Will you take time out for their special days।Will you make their life journey beautiful। Will you move along or prefer to hv separate businesses?All these will tell whether you believe in family system of यज्ञ and service where there is work life balance where no one starves for love ,attention or other gross necessary things of life।Where one lives a life of carefree emperor where one is sure that they will be taken cared off,their children would definitely glorify their names।They have done so much alaukik sustainence of them,they will definitely give them the return of that।They would never have to ask anything from them।
And so on ।।All such things strengthens us,our values,our faith in one another from inside।And where there is trust,where there is love,where there is a purpose (आलौकिक)and a sense of duty of bringing benefit,there is an emerge & growth of a divine personality ।
Purity coming into action ,becoming a shield for us to protect us from us any undesirable thoughts,attitudes and actions from all sides।A fort(Quila) is created where everyone is safe।
Challenge for all "We,the New Generation BKs"
Court Room Dialogues and ट्राइब्यूनल in front of Supreme Justice Almighty Father for New Generation Bks
When small children become knowledgeable।
They sometimes think by mistake they have become even senior /elder to their elders and start disregarding them।
They cut them in between
They even don't acknowledge their presence
They don't even let them express knowledge/experience
They even tell them to remain out of things
Mix knowledge and remove the element of purity and truth from it & become merciful in wrong sense।
Engage in partying,playing,praising self and taking praise more
And spread wrong message of everyone is equal। Prime Minister,president,they all are same
(Meaning old,new,junior,senior,दीदी,दादी all are same)
They even spread knowledge in a wrong way disregarding yagya 's strong foundation of Tyag and Tapasya done by Inumerable Rajrishis and Rajyogis at a,त्याग,Tapasya, कर्म भूमि of sakar matpita(madhuban )
।They even spread their weakness।
They don't accept their not knowing full and some senior can explain better।(ignorance )।।
After hearing all the above as a thumb rule of Truth in our Pure BK life,everyone humbly accepted all their mistakes done in subtle minds and Promised to transform themselves with
Invest and connect (trust)in this godly government
That government is becoming corrupt day by day(coming down)
Their rules too would be unpredictable and troublesome and high cost as there too purification process has to get started by God ।Signs are clearly visible।
That is the reason all premises of baba are made self sufficient early on in terms of resources whether it be water,electricity,cooking gas etc ।
There Natural resources which are renewable are being used with a help of advanced science and technology ।Very good scientists & engineers are being made instrument by baba to create such big setups everywhere wherever there is a brahmin sangthan(संगठन ) with low cost efficient system।
So,why not we too invest and connect (trust)in this godly government which is all powerful & fulfilled with all the necessary knowledge & experience and is becoming elevated day by day for creating such cost efficient system for a sustainable future।
Rajyog. Unchi vidya,guhya vidya
Sabhi shastro mein ek hi baat par sanshodhan huye hai...मैं kon...satya Swayam ...Ko...Kahan se आए हैं,कहाँ को जाना...
Padte kon है, saralta se sadharan souls..घर में रहने वाले
Unchi hasti..Jiska bhakti mein itna Regard,kuchh bhi kar sakta.
Usko hum.
Baba baba.
Bhakti yog for sadharan गृहस्थीs...
Khuli aankho se,chalte firte..
Rajyog. Unchi vidya,guhya vidya ..Ati saralta se..sadharan graha..
Padte padte rahasya budhdhi mein aa jata.jaise koi samjha rha hai..
Sanskaar emerge ho gaye jaise
Tala khul gya
Budhhi divya ho gai...Catching power badh gai..
Prakriti mein sab ...Vayumandal mein mahapurush,dharam sthapak ,ki jo vaani hai.vichar. Environment ... V vichar bhi immortal hai like aatma...prakriti mein Sab stored hai...Wahi jaise hum catch karte hai ....Man ki frequency jud jati hai..Unse coz wo bhi yaad karte the paramatma ko.
Mahima kitni karen..
Conversations is for freshness
Conversations होती है थकावट दूर करने लिये,mood fresh करने लिये ना कि और thakane लिये
एक दो की बात को मान dena।।
Gap रखना सुनने और बोलने में
ठीक से सुनना।
ठीक से बोलने dena
Cut nai करना
भाव catch करना
Time को value dena दूसरों के,luck samajhna apna for divine conversation।
Love।।ordering finish।patience
Giving happiness,appreciation to others
Happiness is when everyone is ready to use their powers for construction
The one who moulds self becomes real gold
The one who cooperates with all and makes others move forward becomes worship worthy
The one who surrenders his intellect for bigger vision of world transformation becomes multimillion times fortunate through divine blessings of God
The one who always remain obedient & faithful and renunciates even the slightest trace of I and mine becomes a priceless diamond।
The one who checks self and transforms self becomes an image of support for all
The one who always sees the diamond in everyone 's forehead becomes a diamond himself।
The one who always remain seated on seat of self respect becomes an easy yogi
Tolerance is a power which develops our capacity to withstand any situation and give our best in every scene
Situations are a way to boost our powers and learn lessons of life।
The one who is humble always gives regard to others ।Giving regard first is the way to become divine।
The one who focuses on self becomes free from judging others।
The one who considers oneself as instrument of god always remain free from changing situations and remain connected to one।
Power of silence is the way to heal,see oneself,understand things and take right decisions in life।
The one who remain free from any worldly desires gets all the attainments
The one who aims at developing excellence becomes free from greed of acquiring material possessions and worldly achievements
Becoming really educated means to become pure in your thoughts,words and deeds
Creating harmony within self automatically creates harmony in the world
There is a high degree of self respect and dignity that one enjoys when we help each other in experiencing their own capabilities and powers।
Donating virtues and powers to others makes you connected to your own unlimited potential
Thursday, November 2, 2023
अच्छे विचार फुर्सत से आते है
sabki इच्छाएं इतनी बड़ चुकी है कि उसके पास फुर्सत ही नही है वह कुछ अच्छे विचार रच सके।उन्हे अपने जीवन का हिस्सा बना सके उसे कर्म मे ला सके।
परमात्मा आए है सभी को कब्र से जगाने।सभी को जीवित करने।
इसे ही कहते है कि परमात्मा मरे हुए को भी जिंदा कर सकता है।
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Shivbaba gives soul power to know three aspects of time and give them the third eye of knowledge to discern between right and wrong।
Monday, October 23, 2023
Shivbaba gives souls the nectar of knowledge and purifies them of their poison। That's why he is called Somnath
Shivbaba is called Pashupatinath because he turns animal like nature of souls into that of divine beings
Lord of immortality
Creating right recording on soul
Creating right recording on soul
This study is for the whole cycle. Yeh padai nayi duniya ke liye hai... Arthath, it's important humari soch kya nirmaan ho rai humare karmo ke peeche. Sirf karm important nahi... Uske peeche ki soch important hai.. Kyunki veh recording sanskaaro ke roop mein saath jaegi. Karm ki toh pralabdh mil jaegi... Sthool praapti ya mahima ke roop mein par aatma ki recording right sanskaar bharne ka samay abhi hi hai. Ab nai toh kab nai.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Play a Game where everyone is Winner।
A game where everyone is a winner।
Hey hey, chalo na
Dhoondhe shehar naya
Jahaan muskurahatien hain bikhri
jahaan se gum ka mausam gaya
Jahaan meethi baatein,
Har ik ajnabi se ho
Bhule hum bhi jo saari fikrein
Lamha lamha khushiyan bikhrein
Idhar udhar aur yahan wahan
Jayein wahin dil kahe jahaan
Baby baby baby
Kab tak giney, hum dhadkane
Dil jaise dhadke dhadakne do
Kyun hai koi aag dabi
Shola jo bhadke bhadakne do
Hey hey, chalo na
Gaaye naye naye geet
Khel aisa kyun na koi khele,
Jisme sabhi ki ho jeet
Inn dino phool aur taare,
Koi bhi dekhta nahin
Dekhe unko deewane hoke,
Koi kitna bhi humko toke
Khuli hawa ho khula samaa
Jaage huye ho sab armaan
Baby baby baby
Kab tak giney, hum dhadkane
Dil jaise dhadke dhadakne do
Kyun hai koi aag dabi
Shola jo bhadke bhadakne do
Humse dil ne kahin
Jo baatein aao maan le
Jispe chalta nahin hai
Koi raah woh chale
Thodi aawargi ho, thodi thodi
Madhoshiyan ho baby
Hum ho tum ho, baby tell me
Kab tak giney, hum dhadkane
Dil jaise dhadke dhadakne do
Kyun hai koi aag dabi
Shola jo bhadke bhadakne do
Kab tak giney, hum dhadkane
Dil jaise dhadke dhadakne do
Kyun hai koi aag dabi
Shola jo bhadke bhadakne do
Kab tak giney, hum dhadkane
Dil jaise dhadke dhadakne do
Kyun hai koi aag dabi
Shola jo bhadke bhadakne do.
Shiv Baba is Yogeshwar
Shiv Baba has power to bring mind into concentration.
God is Yogeshwar,The one who teaches yog.
Krishna is mahatma, the one who studied rajyoga.
There are many temples built to shiva.
Incorporeal form images are there in temples.
Somnath, amarnath, pashupatinath,... Names given to shiv baba.
He comes.... He doesn't have any corporeal or angelic body.
He enters an experienced body of Brahma
Brahma 's advise is famous.
Child of supreme, people of Bharat thinks all are one.
It is said God is without name or form.
However Somnath temple is built as a memorial to his incarnation. The one who gives somras(nectar) to souls
Truth doesn't need to be proved
Truth doesn't need to be proved,It reveals itself at right moment।
No matter What other people say or think,For the one who remains firm on their Truth ,Victory comes to those as a garland in their neck.
Office expectations
Right behaviour/attitude /tolerance/patience/acceptance/cooperation
/understanding @workplace or@ any unlimited place।
Mind Control,Discipline ।
Stable Mind।
Transform Self using Silence Power।
Focus on Self।
Initiative of making others understand when they are going wrong।In a easy way that they can understand। By example ।
Truth,honesty,clarity,credibility,value,integrity ।।
Cordial relationships with all। In terms with all
Far sighted।
Exchange Gifts Through Your Own Capacity
Exchange gifts through your own capacity!!
Not just To please people!!
Can anyone ever be satisfied forever with just outer gifts.
Your pure intentions created in
remembrance of God of
True love,
and Good wishes make your gifts InValuable.
World today needs your Pure vibrations and true intentions
Give them in full.!!
Perfect Mind turns Problem into opportunity।
A Perfect mind in imperfect situations can turn a problem into opportunity।
Change the way you see at things and see the things change।
See the bigger picture of life and everything else will appear small to you as you see them from a distance
Perfect people are created in imperfect situations
Give Attention and Let Life grow
Where your focus goes,energy flows
Where your attention goes energy flows
Where your energy flows ,life grows
Regulated guidance to souls
Open listening and empowerment along with that (casual attitude)disciplining by making them do right things।
Setting time limit.
Expected result.
Expected behaviour.
Realistic Hopes .
Effects on Soul's Journey
Soul journey
Trigger stimulus (longer the journey,
more the no of triggers)
Backgrounds effect।।।।cultural,social,family,educational
Formation of belief systems। ।।।।thoughts
Occupation and role effect
Self respect।।।।।
Sees Life through a Filter
Time and thought are energies।
Give those who have done longest journey,the greatest privilege।
Real beauty
Judging people by their clothes , Worldly labels & outer appearance ?
Work on your Thoughts,character & values,that is your real identity ।
Work on your Inner personality that is the real beauty।
Simplicity and Truth:Your Power
Does people's opinion affect you.
Does people's thoughts affect you.
Send them the thought you want them to think.
Be respectful when people are rude.
Be simple and true.
Make it your power.
Take things of your use
Don't prove your point.
Instead take things of your use
Remain calm, polite
Emerge respect for those sharing .
Safe in atmosphere.
Knowledgeful soul will easily save itself from effect of atmosphere,by changing it's own attitude.
It will not come in the effect of what other people are thinking or doing.
Hero actor -Part-3
You have seen how he welcomes,cares,comforts his children.
You have seen how he speaks for his children.
You have seen how he solves matter.
You have seen how he fulfills pure wishes of children.
You have seen how he makes anyone worthy. & Stand apart.
You have seen how he entertains.
Look how fortunate you are.
Love yourself,Love your life.& Remain in flying stage.
Hero actor -part2
You have seen his divine tasks
You have seen his divine incarnation.
You have seen his Divine intervention.
You have seen how his protection.
You have seen how his way to giving dictates.
You have seen how he comes.
You have seen how he sees,listens,teaches plays,laughs,smiles,dances, observes,detaches himself.
Love yourself,Love your life.& Remain in flying stage.
Monday, October 2, 2023
Start living for others
The Qualities of kindness and compassion become a natural part of your existence when you start living for others.
You are already great,you just have to be yourself.
Generosity fulfills you with what you have been searching for,your own goodness & a higher self respect and therefore a Happy & cheerful mood always।
Win without fighting
Defeat your enemy with your love and goodness।
The greatest victory is one in which the enemy forgets to fight and surrender all its weapons in front of truth & your love of true heart।
Be at Home
Love without expectations
Understand others
Give Time/space to others
Listen carefully
appreciate them
Love/Respect them
Give Timely Help/cooperate
Learn and Say things in proper manner।
(Example।।।।।Kindly explain,please excuse me,May be later)
Give/Do things unconditionally।
Don't count।
Realise different roles ,powers & strengths।
Stop comparing,
Stop demanding।
Increase your self respect (free from ego /insult)
Free self from knowing it all(highest ignorance)
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Children need to be understood।
From the very young age we start scolding children for their little mistakes।
We dictate them right and wrong straightway,
We don't tell them the reason why।We don't spend time with them listening to their hearts and fill it with love।
Infact mistakes and their correction need love not scolding ।
We can teach them the right ways by doing things ourselves,setting an example and inspiring them to do right।
We can even tell them motivational stories।
We don't remain patient while listening to their small little happinesses and achievements of life
We become their judge if they share their untold secrets and even weaknesses।We start seeing them with that small vision ।
We don't appreciate their courage and honest sharing rather we create a disgust and insult for them।
We often compare them with their friends and siblings and further make them feel low in their self esteem।
We often victimize them when we see them doing things which is often termed as morally incorrect which their friends or others around may be doing say parting,going for movies,making friends in opposite gender।
Parents have a very big responsibility for their child and need to grow in their mind set in sustaining their child as it is the time when their personality is shaping for lifetime।
Spiritual knowledge has a purpose
This knowledge is to finish quarrels
Every quarrel arise from the point there is a difference of opinion and finishes when two of them decide to become soul concious and try to understand,satisfy and respect each other's point of view।
Bring economy
Economy in thoughts,words and action help save time,money and other resources hence cost is easily economised।
To create solutions।
Every problem comes with a reason।Find out the root cause for it and solve it from there on।
Purpose of.spiritual knowledge
Purpose of spiritual knowledge
- Transform old sanskars
- Remain stable in different situations।
- Create right response in situations and create good fortune।
- Understand the power of present in creating future destiny of your choice।
- Understand the inner powers of soul।The way you think,feel and do now and in future is entirely in your hands।
- Create new Sanskaars of kindness,compassion for all ।
- Increase the level of your acceptance for oneself and others।Appreciate and express your gratitude often।
- Feel proud of your beautiful part in this unlimited stage of life
- Feel proud of your eternal existence in this world drama।
- AND most important,Feel proud of our beloved eternal Supreme father।
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Break away from vicious cycle of Problems and come into universal brotherhood
Story of a builder ,society Incharge whose focus shifted from Spirituality completely into business and created imbalance in many lives
A learning for all of us to think for others before thinking for self
We focus on others,their shortcomings ।We think self to be very intelligent,We judge others as the ones with less sense।
Actually it's we Who don't plan before doing anything। Create loss for self and others।
We don't meet & connect with others whom we think as less intelligence or relevance।
We don't leave our comfort zones and don't care to do this most important initiative which only leads to fulfillment of any plan/project where everyone 's approval & benefit is merged।
Hence everyone 's blessings
Then what happens ultimately drama forces us to come out by it's unique ways & means which is called problems & failures, quarrels & allegations।
Then also we don't care to confront the problems with calmness ,we shout ,we blame,we criticize others
We hide,we don't face them or take charge of them & feel our responsibility in it।
We forget that it is we only who created them either by running away from people & situations by labeling them of not of our level or not handling things at right time with right method or not planning right taking into consideration all aspects of human life where all emotional,physical,mental,social,physchological aspects come।We like to walk alone ,we don't like to listen anyone's views or suggestions/ideas।
We like to be in our little shells,our comfort zones due to our limited mindset and selfish motives and don't feel like coming up in open platform with all to do something for common interest and benefit because of our superiority complex।
Well it's high time to break away from this cycle of Problems and come into spirit of Universal brotherhood।
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Help them change
Fill in the power in the soul for the soul to be accepting the truth and transform.
For anyone to be taking on the new beliefs leaving behind the old ones requires love and acceptance from their near ones.
Give the cooperation to every one and help them change
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Make heaven @home
A Spiritual divine conversation with a friend
हमें heaven अपने घर को बनाना है। हम उन्हें दान करते है जिनके पास already बहुत कुछ है। दान हमेशा poor(spiritually)को किया जाता hai(godly version)होता ये है कि हमारी पुरानी से दिल hat गई है whether it be home,parents or even job।
What baba says first learn to enjoy and care and feel gratitude for treasures you already have and learn the art of emerging new from old।charity begins at home।lucky are not those who have everything good।
Lucky are those who make everything that they have good।
This attitude is the way to we becoming a very beautiful,loving,contented personality।
Other than that making everyone आप समान and feeling for them that they too should be able to forge a relationship with God and celebrate a meeting with him and make their life independent and happy full of solutions is what makes us do real good deeds and hence become a real true Baba's child
This is the reason why many come and go।We can't neglect our practical life and living principles of a happy fulfilled family life where there is an urge of sharing what we got,where we can't remain silent sharing our experiences of wonders/miracles how one can get immense happiness,health ,wealth just by following few godly dictates
A new divine life style where we control our tempraments and gain victory over our senses and enjoy a supersensous joy।
This knowledge is for all souls।whether small children who study,middle ones who do job ,or adults who may be taking care of homes & office both and Hence need the understanding of how they can balance material world with spiritual life and enjoy a blissful life which is free from any vices
We know our family and their issues so it is our first सेवा to make them realise the power of soul and Supreme Soul शिव baba। and help them transform
Those baba's children who fulfill their family life duties by being seated on the elevated swamaan that they are शिवभक्ति and जगत माता are able to be free from limited conciousness of I am small and I have my limited set of duties and thus able to sustain their family just like a surrendered sister runs a center
Then when we do all this for a long period doing our own पुरुषार्थ too just remaining free from seeing others and comparing their life to ours and focus on our journey doing whatever service we are meant to do according to drama Then there comes a day when you really become mature and baba reveals all your greatness through his own unique ways,through brahmin family and his mediums
In short everyone has their time। everyone does something great in their lives without keeping a count Making many others go ahead which itself make them go ahead.
And reveals them one day.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Big or small..both case learning there,responsibility there
Controlling,ordering,scolding not allowed.
Only Caring,sharing...understanding, helping.
Understanding & helping in secret..not making realised you are weak,you don't have this thing.
Pity ….BIG NO.
Rather..we love you ,we care for you.
don't worry,be easy,everything is good.
Baba is with us..We have everything
You are are lucky can do have done it several times.
Only repetition's easy.
Sorry,if you felt bad,I didn't mean that.
I always appreciate you & your good wishes for me..It's me who sometimes not able to understand it in right way & give right response.
Still you always remind me.Take good care for me,save me at every step.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Thanks for your patience.
Sorry I was in a hurry,I couldn't listen to you properly & judged you wrongly.You were saying things for my benefit.I will try to listen you properly next time.
Please write to me,I will read & respond to you as early as possible.
Please excuse me ,I am in a little hurry,will meet you soon.
Let's talk about it a little later please.
Please try to say it in few words ,I will see if something can be done about it.
Please don't mind,I can cooperate this much only at this point of time.May be I can do more in future.
Please let me know the issues you are facing ,I will try to come up with right solutions that is beneficial for one and all.
Just relax,& openly share Please. We have a solution if are willing.
There is a way.
There is a possibility .
It is easy.
It can be done.
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Be mindfull of your words
Be mindfull of your words
Your words are your power।
Use them wisely ।
Speak softly,sweetly,respectfully only the essenceful essenceful high vibrational words which brings peace & happiness into lives।
Change moods
You say I like this way or this works for me
But not everyone can be according to your conditions at all times so rather learn to be the other 's way।
What makes others happy।
With patience and understanding,You will learn to realise to your happiness lies in making others happy।
Take time out
Take time out in this busy life to listen to hearts,share smiles,exchange love
Life is too short and there will be no time to live,love,care & share later.
And so,Be everready for such precious golden moments to thank,apologize ,create good memories.
Be polite and humble always
Be polite and maintain a humble profile when you win and know something great।This is the sign of your greatness।
Let the cycle turn around
When someone is weak,
Take time out and
remind that one of their strengths and achievements and wait for the right time।
Let the cycle turn around।
Help them get rid of their old body concious habits of thinking too much and doing too much all outside।
5 Golden rules for measuring success.
5 golden rules for measuring success.
For the one who is successfull:-
- All aspects of life will be balanced
- A feeling of contentment and happiness will be experienced at the end of the day।
- A natural sense of well-being is experienced at all times while sitting and moving around।
- A state of easiness and lightness while carrying out duties will be a constant experience of all times।
- An optimism and positivity admist difficult situations will be experienced।