Friday, December 13, 2019

Life :Head vs ๐Ÿ’œ❤Heart.

As is the saying "Jeevan dene ka naam hai".. The more you give, the more you get back. Profit/loss is for business man. Life is a beautiful opportunity,a one in a million chance for evolving towards divinity. For benefit or getting our work done... Lieing,stealing,fraud, unfair means, cheating... In short using    Tacts.... Can never give you the most valuable,most rare and most seeked thing of today's times,contentment.All energy spent in thinking, planning and gaining. In fact lost all the precious time  given to you by destiny for living  in the moment,creating good wishes, caring, understanding and sustaining lives in moving away from your real self .No form of gain whether monetory or non monetory( in terms of name or respect or position)can ever replace your most valuable & imperishable assests , your principles and character.You built them at every step through your clean thoughts, elevated attitude, pure vision and a higher action. When you create a building, every brick counts and when you create a life every thought counts, so will you compromise your  precious life for momentory gains or short lived sense of achievement, victory or power.Will it be called a Profit.Then how should we actually lead our lives to grow on both the fronts, where we experience an internal satisfaction with a high character and principled life and also make a successful worldly image of name, respect and position.The ans is very simple, integrate your dharma and karma.Always take care, while you gain, others should also gain.Through Spirituality,this seemingly impossible thing can be achieved. See everyone as the soul sparkling in their forehead. Then love, acceptance, respect and compassion will be natural. Anger, hatered, blame, complaint, expectation, revenge etc will no longer exist. Your gain now is multifolded with every step that you take because you now start gaining blessings from others,you now start flying with double force, your own efforts and people's blessings. You now start gaining long lasting happiness, long lasting contentment, beautiful relations, higher values and ethics(a higher stand) . You become an example, a sample, an inspiration for many.You become a powerful leader who's been looked upon in times of crisis for support by others,your words becomes a means of solace for many.your every step becomes a direction for many to follow,your persona becomes that of reality and royalty, your credibility, loyalty and honesty becomes a pillar for your life and many lives around You become unshakeable and immovable in the stroms of life and transform everything in to your favour and start enjoying gifts of life. You develop a higher taste and a higher thought process and rise above mediocrities. You become a comforter,a healer and a guide for many.You become a True friend with an accomodating heart giving light, hope, courage, enthusiasm to all. So, with all these higher gains who would want to compromise values, principles and inner sense of achievements of self love, god's love, world's love and run behind temporary sensory pleasures of seeing, talking, listening,knowing,controlling and racing. The inner attainments for being a heartful person are much much higher than the temporary gains where one uses the head more often than heart. Dear Friends!The victory does not always lie in winning in the moment.It sometimes lie in losing your all and trust me when you loose yourself for a higher purpose, you never lose actually.You gain many folds and for many lifetimes.Nothing goes waste, you rise beyond your own expectations and shine in the world and God's forehead like a valuable ๐Ÿ’Žjewel and become a garland of victory in his neck. 
There is an ancient saying:-

"Pothi pad pad jag mua.. Fira na man ka mail, dhai aakhar prem ka pade toh pandit hoye"
With these words, I salute the ancient wisdom of our ancestors whose lives were driven more by their hearts than heads and thus enjoyed a sense of well being and a balanced life despite challenges.Friends,We too need to follow them if we really want to lead a fulfilling life. Best wishes!
In Godly rememberance,
Your true friend!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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